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minerals, mines, conflict, fighting, natural resources, rebellion
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conflict, minerals, mines, natural resources, rebellion
clustering, arbitrary, geospatial data, network data
Africa, alliances, civil conflict, Congo War, contest success function, enmities, network, rainfall
ethnic conflict, ethnic identity, fighting, fractionalisation, slavery, social capital, trust, Uganda
conflict, trust, ethnic fighting, Uganda, social capital, identity
Media, Violent crime, Immigration, Vote, Populism
Immigration, populism, Violent Crimes, Vote
trade elasticity, firm-level data, heterogeneity, gravity, Pareto, log-normal.
firm-level data, gravity, heterogeneity, log-normal, Pareto, trade elasticity
Beliefs, civil war, conflict, cultural transmission, ethnic fractionalization, human capital investments, learning, matching, peacekeeping, stochastic war, strategic complementarity, trade
beliefs, civil war, conflict, cultural transmission, ethnic fractionalization, peacekeeping, strategic complementarity, trade
ethnic prejudice, willingness to pay, housing prices, refugee centers
first names, cultural transmission, cultural economics, social interactions
civil conflict, mass killing, migration, persistence of violence, refugees, violent crime
Pareto, trade, welfare
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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