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Lund University, Law Faculty
in Total Papers Downloads
human trafficking, Article 4 of the ECHR, positive obligations
migrant workers, forced labour, human trafficking, servitude, exploitation, positive obligations, Article 4 of the ECHR, Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Slavery, Servitude, Forced labour, Human trafficking, ECHR Article 4, Positive human rights obligations, Siliadin v France, Rantsev v Cyprus, CN and V v France
violence against women, due diligence, positive obligations, Istanbul Convention
human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, positive obligations, ECHR, CoE Convention on Action against Human Trafficking
European Court of Human Rights, Rantsev v. Cyprus and Russia, Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights, human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labor
Migration, The Right to Leave, Jurisdiction, Visa, Carrier Sanctions, Maritime Interdictions, Non-Refoulement, EU Migration Policy, Al Skeini, Regina v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport, Illascu and Catan, Stamose v Bulgaria
ECHR, positive obligations, causation, state knowledge, state control, reasonableness
ECHR, Positive Obligations
non-refoulement, Article 3 ECHR, Paposhvili v. Belgium
human trafficking, vulnerable persons, EU asylum legislation, Council of Europe Convention on Action against Human Trafficking
Domestic Violence, Migrant Women, The Istanbul Convention, Autonomous Residence Permit
fault, knowledge, risk, positive obligations, European Convention on Human Rights
Populism, Proportionality, ECHR, Migrants
jurisdiction, ECHR, the right to leave, proportionality
human trafficking, victims, European Court of Human Rights, complimentary protection
Bulgarian criminal law, human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, Palermo Protocol, Bulgarian law, Stoyanova
refugees, asylum-seekers, human smuggling, false documents, criminal offences, Article 31(1) of the Refugee Convention, availability of legal advice
populism, migration, migrant, human rights, European Court of Human Rights, European Convention on Human Rights
slavery, servitude, forced labour, Article 8 of the ICCPR, human trafficking, positive human rights obligations
refugee status, residence permit, cessation of refugee status, revocation of refugee status, renewal of residence permits
positive obligations, human rights, European Convention on Human Rights, causation, state knowledge, reasonableness, extraterritorial application of positive obligations
Human smuggling; the right to life; EU Charter; positive human rights obligations
Human Trafficking, Human Smuggling, Migration, Refugees, New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, Global Compacts
asylum, Europe, crisis
detention, migration
Common European Asylum System
assistance for victims of human trafficking, Bulgaria, Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking, human trafficking