Kyriat Ono
Beer-Sheva 84105
Ono Academic College
Ben-Gurion University
Valuation, moral hazard, growth rates, smoothing
Game Theory, Anti-Terrorism
speed, price discovery, convergence, microstructure, asset pricing
Private-value auctions, Risk aversion, Perturbation analysis
Game Theory, Inspection, Incomplete Information, Counterterrorism
auctions, separating equilibrium, asymmetric information
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Weakly assymetric auctions, interdependent values, perturbation analysis
Asymptotic methods, asymmetric auctions, revenue equivalence, collusion, large auctions, risk-averse bidders
Influenza, vaccination, social networks
influenza, vaccination, game theory, incentive, SIR
contest, all-pay auction, revenue, risk aversion
Staged investments, Contracts & agreements, Moral hazard problem, Organizational behavior, Venture capital, Game theory, Closing firms, Strategic planning, Venture capitalists, Incentives