Luis Silva Morais

University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU

Full Professor (Tenure)

Alameda da Universidade, Cidade Universitária

Lisboa, 1649-014




Rank 12,395


Top 12,395

in Total Papers Downloads




Scholarly Papers (18)


Pandemic Crisis and Financial Stability

European Banking Institute Working Paper Series Forthcoming
Number of pages: 481 Posted: 22 May 2020
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of Hamburg - Institute of Law and Economics, Radboud University Nijmegen - Institute for Financial Law (IFR), Ghent University - Financial Law Institute, Trinity College Dublin - School of Law, University of Vienna, London School of Economics - Law School, University of Bologna - Department of Business Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU, Bocconi University - Department of Law, University of Genoa - Law Department, Leiden University, University Rome III, Department of Law, University of Oxford Faculty of Law, CSEF - University of Naples Federico II - Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), Università Cattolica and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Downloads 2,877 (9,202)
Citation 1




Financial Stability Amidst the Pandemic Crisis: On Top of the Wave

Number of pages: 621 Posted: 20 Jul 2021
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of Hamburg - Institute of Law and Economics, Bocconi University - Department of Law, University of Edinburgh - School of Law, HEC MontrealHEC Montreal, University of Luxembourg, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, University Rome III, Department of Law, Radboud University Nijmegen - Institute for Financial Law (IFR), City University London - The Business School, Trinity College Dublin - School of Law, University of Oxford Faculty of Law, LUMSA University, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), University of St. Gallen (HSG), Goethe University Frankfurt - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Leiden University, University of Bologna - Department of Business Law, University of Vienna, University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, CSEF - University of Naples Federico II - Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Università Cattolica, Court of Justice of the European Union, University of Genoa - Law Department, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE and University of Geneva - Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI)
Downloads 1,421 (27,852)
Citation 1



COVID-19, banking regulation, financial stability, European Union


Joint Venture Agreements and EU Competition Law: The Case of the Construction Industry in Particular

Number of pages: 23 Posted: 12 Oct 2018
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 810 (62,368)



Joint Venture Agreements, EU Competition Law, The Case of the Construction Industry


A Holistic Approach to the Institutional Architecture of Financial Supervision and Regulation in the EU

Oxford Legal Studies Research Paper No. 56/2019, European Banking Institute Working Paper Series 2019 – no. 50
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 10 Oct 2019 Last Revised: 19 Nov 2019
Wolf-Georg Ringe, Luis Silva Morais and David Ramos Muñoz
University of Hamburg - Institute of Law and Economics, University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Downloads 607 (89,767)
Citation 1



financial supervision, regulatory architecture, twin peaks model, European Supervisory Agencies


Chapter 2 - Horizontal Cooperation Agreements

Initial Draft Version of Paper Included in in Handbook on European Competition Law - Substantive Aspects, Edited by Ioannis Lianos, Damien Geradin, Elgar, 2013
Number of pages: 71 Posted: 11 Sep 2015
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 427 (137,937)



Horizontal cooperation; joint ventures; agreements; object restrictive of competition; effects restrictive of competition


Integrating Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe -- Legal and Jurisdictional Issues

Number of pages: 42 Posted: 09 Sep 2015
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 381 (156,967)
Citation 1



public enforcement of competition law; private enforcement of competition law; damages; leniency policy


Abuse Regulation and the Financial Sector in the Wake of the Financial Crisis

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 09 Sep 2015
Luis Silva Morais and Lúcio Tomé Feteira
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU and Nova School of Law
Downloads 258 (237,235)



Financial sector; financial services; financial crisis; abuse regulation; regulation of financial sector


Regulation of the Energy Sector in the EU

Number of pages: 16 Posted: 09 Sep 2015
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 217 (280,656)



Internal energy market; energy regulation; renewable energy; legal and financial unbundling


The Chameleon in the Room: Transatlantic Views on Information Exchange in the Field of Competition Law

Number of pages: 24 Posted: 09 Sep 2015
Luis Silva Morais and Lúcio Tomé Feteira
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU and Nova School of Law
Downloads 170 (350,452)



Information exchange, object restrictive of competition; effects restrictive of competition; concerted practices; Horizontal Guidelines


State Aid Control in the Field of Risk Finance Investment

EU State Aids (Sweet & Maxwell/Reuters, 5th edition), Leigh Hancher, Pieter Jan Slot, Tom Ottervanger, Editors, Forthcoming
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 28 Mar 2016
Luis Silva Morais and Lúcio Tomé Feteira
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU and Nova School of Law
Downloads 169 (352,210)



Risk, Finance, Investment


Joint Ownership of Undertakings Without Joint Control Minority Shareholdings at a Crossroad in Competition Law

Liber Amicorum – Ian Forrester, 2015, Forthcoming
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 09 Sep 2015
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 144 (402,545)



Minority shareholdings; merger control; Merger Regulation


Banking Resolution and Crisis Management Framework – between National and EU Law

EU Banking and Capital Markets Regulation. Open Issues of Vertical Interplay with National Law, EBI Studies in Banking and Capital Markets Law, Palgrave Mac Millan, Forthcoming
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 23 Aug 2023
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 91 (567,015)




All's Well that Ends Well? Abuse Regulation in the Wake of the Financial Crisis – The Interplay between Regulation and the Application of Competition Law to the Financial Sector

Number of pages: 18 Posted: 12 Feb 2018
Luis Silva Morais and Lúcio Tomé Feteira
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU and Nova School of Law
Downloads 86 (583,035)



Abuse; Regulation; Financial Crisis


Administrative Simplification and Local Finance -- International Compared Experiences -- Portugal

Number of pages: 14 Posted: 09 Sep 2015
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 64 (684,578)



administrative simplification; administrative reform; local administration; fiscal responsibility


Perspectives for Reform of the European Crisis Management Framework for Banks and the Completion of European Banking Union

Proceedings of the Siena University International Conference – “The State Aid to Banks in Crisis: Outlook Following the Tercas Case”, 29-30 June 2022 – Editors – Professors Vittorio Santoro and Irene Mecatti
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 20 Oct 2022
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 58 (717,202)




Trends In European Banking Supervision Design – Is There A Path To An Optimal Architecture For Financial Supervision In The EU?

Number of pages: 15 Posted: 20 Dec 2022
Luis Silva Morais
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU
Downloads 55 (734,899)




Judicial Review and the Banking Resolution Regime

Posted: 20 Mar 2018
Luis Silva Morais and Lúcio Tomé Feteira
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU and Nova School of Law



Financial Crisis; EU; Banking Union


Risk Capital as State Aid: Revising the Commission's Market Failure Approach

European State Aid Law Quarterly, Issue 10(3) (2011), p. 425
Posted: 08 Jan 2018
Luis Silva Morais and Miguel Sousa Ferro
University of Lisbon - School of Law. Jean Monnet Chair – Economic Regulation in the EU and University of Lisbon Law School



EU Competition Law, State Aid, Risk Capital