Athens, GA 30602-6254
United States
University of Georgia - Department of Insurance, Legal Studies, Real Estate
in Total Papers Citations
neighborhood renewal, gentrification, redevelopment, renovation, teardown
urban land values, redevelopment, real options, urban growth, spatial models
Mortgage default, prepayment, options, borrower heterogeneity, spatial model
Gender equality, Mortgage, Default, Prepayment
Mortgage discrimination; Prepayment; Default; Regulation
Mortgage discrimination, Prepayment, Default and regulation
Afternoon Effect; Sequential Sales; Price Formation; Selectivity Bias
Housing markets; Selection bias; First-price sealed bid auctions
Real estate agents; House prices; Liquidity; Moral hazard
Housing markets, Subdivisions, Development sequence, Price structures
land use regulation, housing supply, housing supply restriction, student externality
Racial discrimination, Mortgage lending
Real options, Land value, Development
real estate brokerage, determinants of earnings, sample selection bias
land values, variable/directional gradient, piecewise linear spline, transportation
Sample selection bias, hedonic price indices, commercial office property