Dept for the Execution of Judgments of the ECtHR
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Greece, migrants, torture, ill-treatment, ECHR, rule of law, racial violence, law enforcement
Greece, immigration, law, policy, illegal immigration, border control, regularisation, inter-state cooperation
Greece, refugee protection, asylum, Europe, European Union
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, UN Human Rights Committee, France, implementation
Refugee Convention, asylum, definition, courts, treaties, interpretation, human rights, Vienna Convention, Germany, United Kingdom
migrants, collective expulsions, push backs, European Court of Human Rights, European Convention on Human Rights
European Court of Human Rights, Greece, excessive length of proceedings, effective remedy, systemic human rights violations, pilot judgments
Council of Europe, Commissioner for Human Rights
racial discrimination, ethnic discrimination, Greece, European Union, Directive, transposition
asylum, refugee rights, social protection, welfare deficits
discrimination, ethnic origin, minorities, Greece, Turkey, nationality, denationalisation, human rights
EU, immigration, directives, family reunification, long-term residents, European human rights law, international human rights law, constitution, charter of fundamental rights
Greece, ill-treatment, torture, police, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights
migrants, refugees, detention, European Court of Human Rights, European Convention on Human Rights, Article 5
Migrants, voting rights, Europe, immigration, participation in public life
Torture, fair trial, evidence, ECHR, judgments, execution
migrants, discrimination, European Court of Human Rights, race, sex, nationality, international law
Torture, Greece, European Convention on Human Rights, UN Convention against Torture
Greece, migrants, racial violence, torture, ill-treatment, law enforcement, European Court of Human Rights, criminal law
ECHR, judgments, execution