3000 DR Rotterdam
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Defection, Field Experiments, Loss Function, Machine Learning, Proactive Churn Management, Profit Lift, Stochastic Gradient Boosting
Personalization, Targeting, Experiments, Observational Data, Policy Design
Business Surveys, Granger Causality, Government Forecasting, Production Expections, Spectral Analysis
international new product growth, drug, pharmaceutical, regulation, culture, economics, timevarying effects, penalized splines
Correlation, Copula, Customer Lifetime Value, Customer Portfolio Management, Pareto/NBD Model, Volatility of Cash Flows
Cointegration, Consumer Sentiment, Granger Causality, VEC models
consumer confidence, dynamic correlation, European Unification
country segmentation, dynamic segments, international new product growth, penalized splines, semiparametric modeling
business surveys, cross-correlations, production expectations, granger causality
business surveys, Granger causality, production expectations, spectral analysis
Agency, charitable giving, causal forest, conditional average treatment effect, donation, field experiment, fundraising campaign optimization, machine learning
moderation analysis, measurement error, research methods