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University of Oslo
European Investment Law and Arbitration Review
in Total Papers Downloads
investor-state dispute settlement, international investment law, compliance, empirical legal studies
foreign direct investment, Achmea, European Court of Justice, intra-EU investment treaty arbitration, enforcement of arbitral awards, admissibility, compliance, judicial comity
China, National Security, EU, ISDS, BITs
Autonomy, CETA, Opinion 1/17, Opinion 2/13, Direct Effect, Investment Court System
Investment Arbitration, Procedure, Tatarstan v Ukraine, Garcia Armas v Venezuela, Besserglik v. Mozambique
Court of Justice; intra-EU BIT; compatibility; investor state arbitration; Article 344 TFEU; Article 267 TFEU; Multilateral Investment Court
Eastern Partnership, Association Agreements, Human Rights Conditionaliy
Preferential Trade Agreements, Investment Chapters, ISDS, Global and Regional Trends, Drivers, Coherency, PTATemplates
Investment Screening, Hungary, Romania, Regulation 2019/452
Micula, Court of Justice of the EU, Investment Treaty Arbitration
Micula, ISDS, Compliance, Achmea
Palm Oil, EU, Indonesia, Common Commercial Policy
EU investment policy, foreign direct investment (FDI), bilateral investment treaty (BIT), Lisbon Treaty, Investment Court System (ICS), intellectual property
EU FTIAs; Binding Committee Interpretations; Arbitral Tribunals; Serious Concerns; Binding Character; Temporal Application; Practical Operation
online trading, gambling, vulnerable groups
Free Trade Agreements; Investment Protection; Transparency; European Parliament
TTIP, Investment Court System, Compatibility with EU Law, Ex Ante Review