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financial access, savings, banking, micro-finance, field experiment, multicountry, Uganda, Malawi, Chile
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financial access; savings; banking; micro-finance; field experiment; multicountry; Uganda; Malawi; Chile
contract teachers, PTA, School-Based Management, teacher effort, test score gain, nepotism
leakage, extortion, shirking, motivation
Binary Choice, Social Interaction, Spillover, Hicksian Welfare, Compensating Variation, Identification, Bounds
education, fertility, HIV, Kenya, pregnancy
value of time, non-transitivity, labor rationing, loss aversion, self-serving bias
labor rationing, loss aversion, non-transitivity, Self-serving bias
financial access, social insurance, spillovers
child health, Chlorine, Community Health Workers, targeting
financial literacy, Predatory lending, Randomized field experiment, Regression Discontinuity
network analysis, peer rankings, relative poverty, West Africa
extortion, leakage, motivation, shirking
financial access, savings, banking, microfinance, field experiment, multi-country, Uganda, Malawi; Chile