7 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd.
P.O. Box 25072
Rishon LeZion , 75190
Haim Striks Faculty of Law, College of Management
in Total Papers Downloads
corporate governance, boards, gender, diversity, NASDAQ, quotas, corporate wrongdoing, female offending, white collar crime, feminist criminology
Victim Impact Statements, courts, criminal justice process, victimology, victims' rights
הסכמה, עבירות מין, העמדה לדין
הסכמה, אונס
sexual violence, older women, criminal law
הסכמה, ניצול מיני, consent' sexual exploitation
חינוך קליני; עריכת דין לשינוי חברתי; clinical legal education
clinical education, empowerment, lawyering models