Marcelo T. de Alvear Marcelo T. de Alvear 2230
Buenos Aires, C1122AAJ
University of Buenos Aires (UBA) - Faculty of Social Sciences
in Total Papers Downloads
Permitted Uses; Copyright Law; International Treaty; Free Trade Agreement; Three-step-test; Flexibility
competition, antitrust, pharmaceuticals, health care technologies, patents
Patents, Emerging Markets, TRIPS, Intellectual Property, Development, Innovation, Technology
WTO, Accession, TRIPS, commitments
intellectual property rights, investment arbitration, investment law, Eli Lilly v. Canada, Philipp Morris v. Australia, Philipp Morris v. Uruguay
patent, genetic resources, disclosure of origin, convention on biological diversity, nagoya protocol
Access to Medicines, Compulsory Licenses, Dispute Settlement, Health, Hepatitis C, Innovation, Intellectual Property, Patent, Research and Development (R&D), TRIPS, World Health Assembly (WHA), World Health Organization (WHO)
Access to Medicines, COVID-19, Customary International Law, Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), Health, Health Technologies, Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), International Law, Investment Agreement, Investment Treaties, Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) System, Moratorium