Blackberry Hill Bristol
West Bristol
Bristol, Avon BS16 1QY
United Kingdom
University of the West of England (UWE)
in Total Papers Downloads
unconventional monetary policies, European Central Bank, repo market funding, LTROs, marketable collateral, sovereign bond crisis
green transition, climate finance, green finance, credit policy, financial regulation, monetary policy, political economy, critical macro finance, market-based finance, shadow banks
shadow banking, interconnectedness, repo markets, collateral networks, government debt market, European banking, European Central Bank, safe assets
comfiscal policy, financialization, austerity, varieties of capitalism, banking models, government bond markets, impatient finance, Eurozone, collateral management, collateral markets, safe assets, shadow banking
unconventional monetary policy, liquidity spirals, ECB, market-based financial systems, collateral swaps, yield curves, interest spreads
Central banks, collateral policy, fiscal disciplining, financial stability, haircuts.
IMF, capital controls, financial crisis, international banking, short-term funding, shadow banking