Peking University
Beijing, Beijing 100871
Peking University - Guanghua School of Management
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Corporate governance, firm valuation, China, the G index
earnings management, tunneling, corporate governance, Chinese listed companies
Corporate governance mechanisms, market valuation, corporate governance index, corporate governance premium
Corporate governance, market for corporate control, ownership, market valuation
Aggregate Discretionary Accruals, Return Predictive Regressions, ICAPM-Motivated Risk Premium Proxies, Managerial Market Timing
aggregate discretionary accruals, time-varying risk premium, predictive regressions, managerial market timing
Internet stocks, bubbles, finanical analysts, forecast bias, conflict of interests
private benefits of control, tunneling, corporate governance, special treatment, China
Information, investment-cash flow sensitivity, financial analyst, Market Microstructure
credit rating changes, CEO incentives, corporate governance
Information, Financial Analyst, Diversification Discount, Market Microstructure
capital structure, intellectual capital, patent-based metrics, bankruptcy
political turnovers; political cycles; corporate tax avoidance; tax enforcement
Innovative events, abnormal returns, long-term anomaly, technology depth, size, book-to-market ratios, expectation errors, and firm-specific fundamentals
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, investment Euler equation, investment-implied discount rate, corporate governance
institutions and financial development, implied return on capital, investment Euler equation model, Chinese economy
Market microstructure, Pay-performance sensitivity, Probability of informed trading (PIN), Analysts' earnings forecasts
Accrual anomalies, market-wide and firm-specific components of (discretionary) accruals, asset pricing, hedge strategy
Political motivation, over-investment, corporate governance, firm performance
Information, optimal contract, market microstructure, pay-for-performance sensitivity
Risk-incentive tradeoff, endogenous information-based trading, pay-performance sensitivity, adjusted PIN, calibration
two externalities, net zero carbon emissions, carbon currency, global reserve currency, Mundellian Trilemma
Asia, finance, financial crisis, regulation, development
Portfolio Management, Equity Strategies, Equity Investments, Fundamental Analysis and Valuation Models, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting and Financial Reporting Issues
competition, firm behavior, tax evasion, Chinese economy
parent company puzzle, taxes, mispricing