Basel, 4051
WWZ Universität Basel
endogenous growth, creative destruction, endogenous structural change, horizontal innovation, endogenous patents
Climate change, green growth, vertical and horizontal innovations, optimal control
Environmental Damages, Endogenous Growth, Creative Destruction, Endogenous Structural Change
climate change, adaptation, federalism, asymmetric information, vertical interaction, spillovers, non-cooperative games, signaling
heterogeneous innovations, economic dynamics, multi-product monopoly, product life-cycle, structural change
Budget rules, public debt, inter-temporal budget constraint, stability, endogenous growth
KeEnvironmental economics, endogenous growth, directed technical change, model predictive control
optimal control, horizontal and vertical innovations, multiple steady-states, thresholds, lock-in
endogenous market structure; learning by doing; technological spillovers; heterogeneous innovations; differential games
Innovations, Economic Dynamics, Multiproduct Monoply, Distibuted Control
Climate change, doubly-differentiated R&D, double dividend, fiscal policy instruments, technology lock-in
Multiple steady-states, lock-in, innovations, R&D constraint, optimal control
innovations, dynamics, multiproduct, technology spillovers, distributed control, differential games
Product Innovations, Process Innovations, Dynamics, Multiproduct, Heterogeneous
energy infrastructure, investments cycle, economic policy, slow-fast systems, blue sky catastrophe
Technological Spillovers, Endogenous Growth, Environmental Impact, Endogenous Structural Change, Creative Destruction
Piece-wise smooth system, climate change, optimal control
Energy transition, Renewable energy, Piecewise-smooth system, Hybrid control