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Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University
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family friendly policies, labour supply, gender wage gap, fertility, public
competition, experiment, gender, piece rater, relative ability, risk aversion, tournament
competition, tournament, piece rate, gender, risk-aversion, relative ability, experiment
Motivated beliefs, spillovers, self-confidence, competitiveness, Affirmative Action, experiment
Motivated Beliefs, Spillovers, Self-Confidence, Competitiveness, Affirmative Action, Experiment
subjective well-being, economic factors
center based care, family day care
gender wage gaps, decomposition method
Affirmative Action, Castes, Competitiveness, Unethical Behavior, Field Experiment
retirement, public pension programs, option value analysis, pension reform
Children, Career Interruptions, Family Gap, Unobserved Heterogeneity
alcohol, minimum legal drinking ages, Difference-in-Differences, Denmark
timing, housework, time use, flexibility, wages
motherhood, employment, sector switching, occupational characteristics
new workplace practices, employer-employee data, wage differentials, gender
non-cognitive outcomes, publicly provided universal child care, pseudo-experiment
time use, power, leisure, institutions, norms
caste prejudice, taste-based discrimination, implicit association test, laboratory experiment, media influence
firm behavior, equilibrium search model, matching, second‐generation immigrants
educational mismatch, immigrants, wages, state-dependence
marriage premium, cohabitation, fatherhood
Income determination, India, Household income, Poverty, Castes, Convergence
income convergence, poverty transition, endogeneity, measurement error, IHDS & HDPI data
child care, skills, risky behaviors, evaluation
Gender Wage Gaps, Decomposition Method
health shock, health care regimes, work
overweight, obesity, demand for primary physician care
hearing loss, disability exit, functional hearing, clinical audiometry test, gender differences
cross-country health comparison, vignettes, subjective and objective measures
work injury, return to work, education
life satisfaction, subjective well-being, mothers, child development, skill formation
work incapacity, education, occupation, factor analysis, discrete factor model
vocational education, enrollment, completion, vocational certification, ability
child development, informant discrepancies, reporting bias
Intermittency; climate; CO2 emissions; green energy; fractional cointegration
affirmative action, castes, competitiveness, unethical behavior, field experiment
cooperative learning methods, jigsaw, peer effects
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Education, Female Labor Force Participation, Index of White-Collar Jobs, Indian Labor Market, NSSO Data, Sector, Selection, Stigma Effect
Labor market, disability pension, hearing impairment, coping strategies