Stefaan Voet

KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure

Professor of Law

Tiensestraat 41

Leuven, B-3000




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Scholarly Papers (19)


Civil Procedure in Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context

IAPL World Conference on Civil Procedure, September 18-21, Moscow, Russia: Conference Book/Edited by Dmitry Maleshin; International Association of Procedural Law, Moscow, 2012, UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper No. 2013-119, University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 25/2013
Number of pages: 638 Posted: 01 Jul 2013 Last Revised: 20 Aug 2013
Independent, Independent, Goethe University Frankfurt, New York University School of Law, University of Florence, University of Florence, University of Cambridge - Faculty of Law, New York University School of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Independent, University of California, Irvine School of Law, Faculty of Law, Zagreb University, University of Vienna, Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paolo (PUCSP), Peking University, City University of Hong Kong (CityU), City University of Hong Kong (CityU) - Centre for Chinese & Comparative Law, Andrassy University Budapest, University of Pavia, Department of Law, Maastricht University, School of Law, University of Oslo, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, UC Law, San Francisco, Moscow State University - Faculty of Law, Flinders University - School of Law, Northeastern University - School of Law, University of Turin, Peter Pazmany Catholic University, Maastricht University, University of Pretoria - Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, Independent, University of Missouri at Kansas City - School of Law, Urals State University, Independent, Moscow State Law Academy, University of Ljubljana, Independent, York University - Osgoode Hall Law School, University of South Australia - Justice & Society, Monash University - Department of Business Law and Taxation, University of São Paulo (USP), KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure, University of Windsor - Faculty of Law, Queen Mary University of London, School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Moscow State Law Academy, Uppsala University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University and Lomonosov Moscow State University
Downloads 905 (53,057)



civil procedure, legal culture


European Collective Redress Developments: A Status Quaestionis

Number of pages: 26 Posted: 01 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 25 Oct 2014
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 421 (139,811)
Citation 4



collective redress, class actions, Europe, competition damages, ADR, ODR, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium


The Crux of the Matter: Funding and Financing Collective Redress Mechanisms

Forthcoming in X., EU Civil Justice: Current Issues and Future Outlook, series Swedish Studies in European Law, Hart Publishing, 2015
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 26 Oct 2014
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 274 (222,607)



collective redress, class actions, funding, financing


'Where the Wild Things Are'. Reflections on the State and Future of European Collective Redress

Forthcoming in a book in the Ius Commune Europaeum series (M. Loos and A. Keirse, eds.)
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 08 Feb 2017
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 240 (254,061)
Citation 1



class actions, collective redress, ADR, ODR, regulatory redress, Europe


The Implementation of the Consumer ADR Directive in Belgium

P. Cortes (ed.), The Transformation of Consumer Dispute Resolution in the European Union: A Renewed Approach to Consumer Protection (Oxford University Press, 2016) (Forthcoming)
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 27 Mar 2016 Last Revised: 12 Apr 2016
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 156 (375,409)



Consumer disputes, out-of-court resolution, ADR, ODR, Belgium, Consumer Mediation Service, ADR entity, Consumer ADR Directive, ODR Regulation


Cultural Dimensions of Group Litigation: The Belgian Case

41 GA. J. INT’L & COMP. L. 433
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 19 Mar 2013 Last Revised: 04 Sep 2013
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 136 (419,290)



group litigation, complex litigation, class actions, Belgium


Russian Law Journal. Vol.Ii (2014) Issue4

Russian Law Journal, 2014
Number of pages: 208 Posted: 27 Oct 2014
Moscow State University - Faculty of Law, Harvard University - Center on the Legal Profession, University of Helsinki, University of Warsaw, University of Warsaw, Vilnius University - Faculty of Law, Taras Shevchenko National UNiversity of Kyiv, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Omsk State University n.a. F.M. Dostoevskiy, Penn State Law, University of Pavia, Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Zagreb University, KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure and University of Pretoria - Faculty of Law
Downloads 118 (467,723)



russian law; civil procedure; justice


Institutional Judicial Reform Experiences in Belgium: New Bodies Governing the Judiciary

Number of pages: 19 Posted: 24 May 2013
Stefaan Voet and Marcel Storme
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure and Independent
Downloads 116 (473,902)



Belgium, Institutions, Judicial Reform, Judiciary


Belgian Mediation Report 2013

National Report XIX International Congress of Comparative Law July 20-27, 2014 Vienna, Forthcoming
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 18 Nov 2013
Piet Taelman and Stefaan Voet
Ghent University - Faculty of Law and KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 113 (483,258)
Citation 1



mediation, Belgium, voluntary mediation, judicial mediation


Public Enforcement & A(O)DR as Mechanisms for Resolving Mass Problems: A Belgian Perspective

Astrid Stadler & Christopher Hodges (eds.), Resolving Mass Disputes: ADR and Settlement of Mass Claims (Edward Elgar, 2013) (Forthcoming)
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 06 Apr 2013
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 113 (483,258)



collective redress, Belgium, class actions, public enforcement, regulator, partie civile, ADR, ODR


Belmed: The Belgian Digital Portal for Consumer A(O)DR

Number of pages: 11 Posted: 06 Apr 2013
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 107 (502,865)
Citation 2



online dispute resolution, Belgium, Belmed


Belgium's New Consumer Class Action

Forthcoming in V. Harsagi & C.H. van Rhee (eds.), Multi-Party Redress Mechanisms in Europe: Squeaking Mouses?, Antwerp, Intersentia, 2014
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 26 Oct 2014
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 97 (538,284)



collective redress, class action, consumers, Belgium


Evidence and Provisional Measures in Complex Litigation and Class Actions: Belgium

Number of pages: 15 Posted: 12 Apr 2013
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 72 (641,779)



evidence, provisional measures, complex litigation, class actions, Belgium


Joinder of Parties and Group Litigation

Linda S. Mullenix and Stefaan Voet, Joinder of Parties and Group Litigation, Elgar's Handbook of Comparative Civil Procedure (Remco van Rhee and Margaret W.K. Woo, eds., Elgar Press 2024), The University of Texas School of Law | Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper Series Number 596 | Forthcoming
Number of pages: 53 Posted: 14 May 2024
Linda S. Mullenix and Stefaan Voet
University of Texas School of Law and KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 68 (661,023)



Joinder, joinder of parties, group litigation, collective redress, class actions, multidistrict litigation, simple joinder, public enforcement, private enforcement, EU 2013 Recommendations for Collective Redress, EU 2018 Implementation Report, EU 2020 Representative Actions Directive


Russian Law Journal. Vol. III, Issue 2, 2015

Russian Law Journal. Vol. III, Issue 2, 2015
Number of pages: 152 Posted: 21 Jun 2015
Moscow State University - Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), University of Leeds, FESCO Transportation Group, PG Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Ural State Academy of Law, Bedell Cristin Law Firm, Russin & Vecchi International Legal Counsellors, KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure, Tyumen State University, Tyumen State University and Tyumen State University
Downloads 67 (665,974)



Russian law; Ukranian crisis; Crimea crisis; homosexual law; family law; offshore jurisdictions; Russian judicial reform

Downloads 58 (713,758)
Citation 1

Relief in Small and Simple Matters in Belgium

Erasmus Law Review, Forthcoming
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 26 Mar 2016
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 33 (916,159)



Belgium, small simple matters, recovery of unchallenged claims, summary order for payment

Relief in Small and Simple Matters in Belgium

Erasmus Law Review, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2015
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 05 May 2016
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 25 (995,500)
Citation 1



Belgium, small matters, simple matters, recovery of unchallenged claims, summary order for payment


Experienţa reformei judiciare instituţionale în Belgia: Noile organe care administrează sistemul judiciar (The Experience of Institutional Judicial Reform in Belgium: New Organs Administering the Judicial System)

Revista Forumul Judecatorilor, no.1, 2014
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 24 Aug 2016
Stefaan Voet and Marcel Storme
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure and Independent
Downloads 48 (775,444)



Appointment of Magistrates, Judiciary Institutions, Judiciary Reform, Independence of the Judiciary


Belgium's New Specialized Judiciary

Russian Law Journal, Volume II (2014), Issue 4, p. 129-145
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 25 Oct 2014
Stefaan Voet
KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 41 (825,265)



judicial reform, judicial specialization, Belgium


Een Code Voor Collectieve Vorderingen: Een Model Voor Civil Law Landen; Le Code De L'Action Collective: Un Modèle Pour Les Pays De Droit Civil (The Class Action Code: A Model for Civil Law Countries)

Gilberte Closset-Marchal & Jacques van Compernolle (ed.), Vers une «class action» en droit belge? Naar een “class action” in het Belgisch recht?, Bruges, die Keure, 2008
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 19 Mar 2013
Antonio Gidi and Stefaan Voet
Syracuse University - College of Law and KU Leuven - Institute for Civil Procedure
Downloads 32 (899,324)



Class actions, comparative class actions, Action Collective, civil law, comparative civil procedure, comparative law, diffuse, collective, group action, collective litigation, collective action, group rights, parens patriae, collective redress, associational standing