28 Xianning West Road
Xi'an, Shaanxi 710049
School of Law, Xian Jiaotong University
in Total Papers Downloads
International Court of Justice, diplomatic protection, international investment arbitration, investor-state arbitration, customary international law, international investment law, indirect expropriation
Standard Terms, Standard Clauses, Contract Interpretation, China Contract Law, UK Contract Law
disqualification, arbitration, ICSID, case study
outer space, property rights, space debris, cost-benefit analysis, tragedy of the commons
Diallo Judgment, ICJ, ISDS, ICSID, Investment Artration, Institutional interaction, Constructive coordination
International Investment Law, National Law, Municipal Law, Domestic Law, Investment Arbitration, Network, Comparative Advantage, Institutional Evolution, Interdependent, Hybrid, Poli-Contextual, Societal Embeddedness
Umbrella Clause, Institutional Context, SGS v. Pakistan, SGS v. Philippines, SGS v. Paraguay, interaction of internal and international legal order, party autonomy, benefit-cost analysis, disintegration
Public Health, Public Policy, Public Interest, Governance Mechanism, Investor-State Arbitration, Regulation, Proportionate principle. Clash of Governance Paradigm, Balanced Approach, Economic Analysis, Proportionate Principle, Necessity, Phillip Morris v Uruguay, Phillip Morris v Australia
Investor-State Dispute Settlement, China, Issues, Implications, Multilateral Framework on Investment
Energy Charter, Silk Road Economic Belt, One Belt One Road, World Energy Governance, Cost-Benefit analysis
BG Group v. Argentina, Contract, BIT, Local Litigation requirement, Competence of Competence, Condition on Consent to Arbitrate, Procedural Condition Precedent to Arbitration, Lotus principle
Philip Morris v. Uruguay, Governance, ISA, Proportionality Principle, Public Interest, Public Policy, Public Authority, Self-maintenance, Policy Externality, Self-enforcement, Substitution Effect, Review Effect
international investment agreement; political economy; power structure; transaction cost
China-U.S. BIT, Power Relation, Transaction Cost, Political Economy
international investment arbitration; appellate mechanism; TTIP; CETA; IIAs
judicial interpretation, Chinese Supreme Court, sale and purchase contracts, judicial policy
Outer Space, International Investment Agreement, Investment Arbitration, Territory, Non-appropriation
Foreign Enterprise Law, Foreign Investment Law, Transnational Investment, Reconstruction
international law, economic analysis, sources of international law, subjects of international law, international adjudication, rational choice
National Law, International Investment Law, Interaction, Socialization
International Investment Law, Socialization, Social Effect, Spill-over Effect, Crowding-out Effect
Networked governance system, International investment regulation, dispute settlement mechanism, ISDS, Investor-state dispute settlement, G2G, State-State arbitration, Investment arbitration, Private right dispute, Regulatory dispute, Political dispute, Legitimacy crisis, Network analysis
validity of judicial verdict, contractual fraud, asymmetric information, court failure, investigation of misjudgments, Cases Guidance System, boundary of judicial branch
Incomplete Contract, Breach of Contract, Morality, Expectation Damage