Str. Universitatii nr. 13
Stefan cel Mare University
in Total Papers Downloads
human rights regional courts, human rights mechanisms, international human rights
death row, death penalty abolition,human dignity
family reunification, free movement, primary carer concept, European Human Rights Law
treaty of Lisbon, Charter of Fundamental Rights of European Union
European Convention of Human Rights; ECHR case-law; The E.U. Charter of Fundamental Rights; The Treaty of Lisbon; U.E. Accession to the European Convention of Human Rights
terrorism, human rights, counterterrorism, international law, community law
women rights, women emancipation, the League of Nations, modern Romania
Protocole on Dialogue, the advisory competence of the ECHR, the EU’s accession to the European Convention
transsexuality, human rights, sex change
European Court of human rights, competence, human rights, Court of Justice of the EU
Roma inclusion, national minorities, European policy, Romanian strategy
refugee protection, safe third country, humanitarian protection