Fairfax, VA 22030
United States
George Mason University - Department of Finance
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blockchain, coordination, entrepreneurship, FinTech, ICO, platform, tokenomics
Arms Race, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Energy Consumption, Industrial Organization, Mining Pools, PoW, Risk-Sharing
bitcoin; cryptocurrency; exchanges; forensics; market manipulation; regulation.
carbon emission, infrastructure spending, game theory, mechanism design, Nash equilibrium, police funding, traffic
contract theory, crowdfunding, financial innovation, FinTech, information economics, investment, security design, wisdom of the crowd
corporate governance, crowdfunding, incomplete financial market, financial intermediation, investment theory, rational expectation, security design, theory of the firm, wisdom of the crowd
Ambiguity aversion, Blockchain, Byzantine fault tolerance, Distributed consensus
Ambiguity aversion, Blockchain, Byzantine fault tolerance, Distributed consensus, Game theory, Higher-order beliefs
Asset Pricing, Crypto Asset, Expected Return, Factors, ICO, Smart Beta
Bitcoin, Options, Liquidity
Blockchain, Byzantine fault tolerance, Cross-chain bridge, Data Availability, Distributed consensus, Game Theory, Layer-2, Proof-of-stake, Rollup, Scaling
Inflation Hedge, Expectations, Household Survey, Cryptocurrency, FinTech
contracting, information economics, investment, rational expectations
Social networks, labor mobility, corporate governance, bankruptcy
Social networks, labor mobility, Corporate governance, bankruptcy
open source, governance, blockchain, decentralization
Generative AI, Information Aggregation, Large Language Models, Market Efficiency, Passive vs Active Investment
arbitrary message passing, blockchain, bridge, cross-chain communication, security
Blockchain, Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Consensus, Ethereum, Explorer, Proof-Of-Stake
Bitcoin; Derivatives; Options; Liquidity
cryptocurrency; exchanges; listing; regulation
Illiquidity, Bitcoin, Option
contract theory, mechanism design, solution concept
Bitcoin, Derivatives, Options, liquidity
after-hours trading, earnings announcement, price efficiency