Calea 13 Septembrie no.13, corp B, et. 4, sector 5
Bucharest, 050711
Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy
public procurement, data protection, transparency, data protection officer, Electronic Public Procurement System, bidders data, award criterion, competition law, associations, corrective measures, data transfer
Article 288 TFEU, directive, emergency orders, Romania, Constitution, Constitutional Court, European Court of Justice, comparative law
senior civil servants category, senior public servants, politics and administration, decision makers, Romania
Public procurement, data protection, transparency, data protection officer, Electronic Public Procurement System, bidders data, award criterion, competition law, associations, corrective measures, data transfer
public procurement, the reform of the legislative framework, transposition of the European Directives, national legislation
regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), the protection of personal data, corrective powers, administrative fines, sanctioning regime, the competence of the Member States, national supervisory authorities
Romania, constitutional basis, delegated legislative power, Romanian Ombudsman, Emergency ordinances
Romania, extraordinary circumstances, reformation of the state, institutions, procedures, government resources
modification; termination; employment relationships; civil service; De-politicization
Constitutional Court of Romania, senior civil servants, constitutional provisions, accepting the plea of unconstitutionality
Constitutional Court of Romania, Government emergency order, EU law, transposition and implementation; urgency, exceptional circumstances
Regulation (EU) no. 606/2013, European Union Law, civil rights, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, preliminary ruling
revision of the Constitution of Romania, prefect, deputy prefect, professional and apolitical achievement, legislative proposal
political-administrative situation, mobility of Senior Civil Servants, inconsistency in the existing jurisprudence
the data subject; controller, processor, national supervisory authority, General Data Protection Regulation, Romanian
State aid; the prefect; domestic procedure prior to notification; appropriateness analysis, legality review
Public Procurement, Sectoral Public Procurement, Concession Contracts, Remedies, Appeals Concerning the Award of Public Procurement Contracts, Ex-Ante Control, Public-Private Partnership, Emergency Ordinances, Romania
legislative acts, stimulation for the personnel, communitary (European Union) funds, budgetary constraint
principle of separation of powers in the state government; principle of checks and balances; legislative delegation; Rule of law; principle of sincere cooperation; emergency ordinances; Romania; Parliament; Government; Constitutional Court; Ombudsman; Venice Commission
data protection, GDPR, Romania, national law, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, case law