Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
69 Quai d'Orsay
Paris 75004
University of Warwick - Department of Economics
SciencesPo - OFCE
in Total Papers Citations
Monetary Policy, Local Projections, VARs, Expectations, Information Rigidity, Survey Forecasts
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Expectations, External Instruments, Information Rigidity, local projections, monetary policy, Survey Forecasts, VARs
financial cycle, business cycle, credit, financial crises, downside risk, entropy, quantile regressions.
Business cycle, credit, Downside risk, entropy, financial crises, financial cycle, quantile regressions
Monetary policy, local projections, VARs, expectations, information rigidity, survey forecasts, external instruments
fiscal foresight; fiscal shocks; government spending; government spending news; large Bayesian VARs; structural VARs; survey of professional forecasters
fiscal shocks; government purchases; fiscal foresight; Large Bayesian VARs
Identification with external instruments, structural VAR, invertibility, monetary policy shocks
Disagreement, Government spending shock, Fiscal transmission mechanism
Identification with External Instruments, Invertibility, monetary policy shocks, structural VAR
Expectations, inflation, oil prices, Phillips curve
Exchange Rates, Foreign Spillovers, monetary policy, trilemma
Euro Area, Government Debt, Recessions