00-919 Warsaw
Niepodleglosci 164
Warsaw, 02-554
National Bank of Poland - Department of Economics
Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) - Institute of Econometrics
global trade slowdown, trade elasticity, global value chains, frictions in global trade, protectionism
production function, factor share, elasticity of substitution, marginal rate of substitution, normalization
Exchange rate forecasting, purchasing power parity, half-life
labor income share, endogenous cycles, factor-augmenting endogenous technical change, technology menu, R&D, CES, normalization
CEE currencies, exchange rate forecasting, random walk, VAR, BVAR
labor share; mean reversion; persistence; spectral analysis; structural breaks
R&D,Patents, Long-Run Growth, Technical Change, Estimation, CES, Quality adjustment, TFP.
labor income share, endogenous growth, Factor augmenting endogenous technical change, social optimum, decentralized allocation