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Rhema Univeristy, Nigeria.
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Psychological Empowerment, Power-distance, Feedback, Performance Management, Self-confidence, Self-efficacy, Effective Leadership, Decision-making
Co-Operative Behaviors; Organizational Dynamics; Leadership Behaviors; Emotional Intelligence; Personality Characteristics; Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture; Behavioral Dynamics; Psychological Empowerment
Organizational Behavior Modification; Privately-Owned-Small-Enterprises; Management by Objectives; Employee Motivation; Performance Feedback; Subjective Appraisals; Behaviourism
Industrial organizations, Profitability, Integrity, Sustainability, Corporate social responsibility, Environmental social governance, Sustainability disclosure guidelines, Sustainability reporting, Green management
Leadership, transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, correlation.
Organizational Leadership, Learning Organization, Exceptional Person, Stars, Organizational Survival, Empowering Leadership
Organizational Architecture, Top Management Level, Functional Skills, Differentiation, Operations Design, Corporate Strategy, Human Resource Management, Environmental Arrangements and Planning
Macro-prudential, micro-prudential, banana management mentality, toxic assets, non-performing loans, poor credit risk management, bank failures, LAD, financial supermarket, prudential guidelines, micro-financial, kid-wizards, EFCC, NDIC, CBN, multiple borrowers, MfB
Emotional competences, Organizational members, Values, Ethical culture, Authoritarian culture, Participative culture, Reciprocal process
Gold, Developing World, Forestry, Good Management, RUGA, Soil and Climatic Conditions, National Livestock Transformation Plan, Environmental Protection and Management
absenteeism, turnover, sexual-harassment, clones, Igbuoge, psychological implication
Management Education, Knowledge, Human Capital, Personal Empowerment, Productivity
Governance architecture, Good governance, Lagos doctrine, Public bureaucracy, Democratic principles, Income inequality, Poverty, Carter.
Cash Management; Financial Performance; Liquidity Management
Microcredit, Microenterprises, Micro-entrepreneurs, UNDP, MfB, CBN, Peru, Soft loans, FEAP, MSMEs, Vulcanizers, Venture Capitalist
Microcredit, Microenterprises, Micro-entrepreneurs, UNDP, MfB, CBN, Peru, Soft loans, FEAP, Vulcanizers
Ethical standards; Adelphia scandal; Material misstatements; Financial statements and reporting; Board and management; Independent examination
Leadership, Change catalyst, Business process reengineering, Emotional competencies, Successful change management
Shareholders funds; Self dealing; Nonperforming loans portfolio; Bank profitability
Organizational commitment, Career success, Mentoring, Recognition, Open communication
Charles Manz, Super-leadership, Transformational-leadership, Servant-leadership, Dispositional Phenome non, Self-reinforcement, Self-reward, Vicarious Learning
Transparency, Integrity, Emotional intelligence, Good governance, Reciprocal, Corruption, Accountability, Emotional illiteracy, Political will, Dysfunctional behaviours, Governence.
Critical implementation, Waste basket, Strategic business units, Strategic thinking, Strategic balancing, Experience curve
Leadership Styles, Empathy, Flexibility, Psychological Satisfaction, Nigerian Textile Industry
Huge Procurement Arrangements, National Development, Positive Behavior, Transparency, Accountability, Public Procurement, Project Management, Multinational Company, Public Financial Management
bank credit, SMEs, NBCI, NACB, indigenization policy, NIDB, Collateral, MSMEs, SMECGS, MfBs, Liquidity, NASME, LAD, Embargo, CBN
bank credit, SMEs, NBCI, NACB, indigenization policy, NIDB, collateral, MSMEs, SMECGS, MfBs, liquidity, NASME, LAD, embargo, CBN
Budget accounting and reporting; Coordination; Management efficiency and effectiveness; Budgetary controls; Performance management; Top management
MBEI, Organizational Leadership, Stochastically Certain, Self-awareness, Emotional Perspectives, Excellence Theory, Political Awareness, Leadership Development Programmes
Top Management Responsibility, Minimize Appraisal Politics, Quality Feedback, Deteriorating Performance, To Cultivate Its Timers, Leadership Role, Job Enrichment, Traditional Managers, Self-managed Teams, Norming Role
Psychological presence, Hierarchy of needs, Emotionally present at work, Human beings, Psychological security, Proponent needs.
Unemployment, Poverty, Shoemaking, Sure-P, Innovation, Chukwuma committee, Wonderful idea, Growth and Employment strategy, ILO, UNIDO
Logistics, Productivity, Value Chain, Supply Chain, Network, E-commerce
macroprudential, microprudential, microfinancial, bazaar, prudential guidelines, involuntary liquidation, bridge banks.
Transcultural, Cultural dimensions, Cultural globalization, Hofstede, Transferability, Visible culture, Dangote.
Financial Regulations, Discretionary Powers, Accountability, Probity, PFM
170 years, Competencies, Methodists, Education, Primary School, Teacher, UBEP, NTI, NIEPA, Freeman, Classroom work, Retraining. University Material, Osisioma, Obingwa, Ugwunagbo, Mango Trees
Effective Performance Management; Good Leadership; Multinational and Bilateral Relationships; Emotional Expressions; Conflict Management; Developing Others; Sustainability; Leadership
Empathy, Motivation, Psychological and emotional well-bring, Empowerment, Consensus, Trust, Initiative, Emotional intelligence.
Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Charismatic leadership, Servant leadership, Visionary leadership, Inspired leadership, Disciplinary knowledge
Traditions; Minimal standards; Hopelessness; Poor people; NEEDS
Question of Quantity and Quality, E-procurement, Purchasing Behavior, Inventory Management, Global Market Space
Enterprise sustainability; Risk transfer; Risk management process; Risk appetite; Organizational survival; Portfolio theory
bank credit, economic-growth, bank-failures, bricsnations, bail out exercise, stealing public
stochastic phenomenon, continuum, abnormal and normal behaviours, emotional intelligence
Window-Dressing; Weak Corporate Governance; Comparative Performance; Important Business Decisions; Profitability
Hidden in excess of words, Psychometric tradition, Selfregulation, Self-motivation, Synergistic clusters, Emotional competence
Feep, Parlicipating banks, Fabricators, The Masses, Cottage industries
On-the-Job Training, Induction, Manpower Development, Economic Growth, Corporate Performance
Top organizational leadership, Career menopause, Cross fires, Mourning organizational politics, Different little goals.
Accommodation, Negotiation, Combatants, Collaboration, Acceptance, Knights of labour, Tradiationalizing
Effective Organizational Change Management, Organizational Growth, Change Sustainability, Social Process Reengineering, Strategic Mission
Education corruption, Teacher Absenteeism, Primary School, Secondary School, Universal basic education programme
Murthy effect, Management commitment, Problem identification, Ethical standards, Data gathering, Communication, Implementation
Knight in shining arnour, Human side of the enterprise, Leadership, Relationships, Behavior, Abraham Maslow, Listening, Sense of self-worth.
Sustainable Management, LDCs, Underdevelopment, Conspicuous Mismanagement, Mismanagement of Natural Resource Wealth
Participative Management, Effective Communication, Systems Theory, Reputation Management, Distinctive Management Function, Publics
paradise, emotional intelligence, anger, anxiety, stress, introspection, transgression, humility, quarrel, Iwe
Liquidity management, Interest rate risk management, Currency risk management, Balance sheet management, Asset allocation, Banking enterprise management, Interest-bearing and non-interest bearing liabilities, Profitability.
family business, succession, agent-led, owner-led, kitchen model, polygamous
Health and Safety Education, Occupational Wellbeing, Physical Andmental Health Education, OSHA, Industrial Health Programmes
Goal-directed Behavior, Personality Characteristics, Task Environment, Past Experiences, Individual Goals, Organizational Goals, Personality Theory, Self-concept, Silent Generation, Employee Characteristics
Balanced scorecard; Non-financial indicators; Financial year; Performance measurement; Performance milestones; Non-performing loans
Strategic HRM, Strategic HRM Inventory Model, Realization of Enterprise Goals, Organizational Architecture, Business Performance
The leadership process, The management process, Political organization, Bureaucratic model, Leadership grid, Managerial grid, Managerial leadership, Organizational leadership, Participation.
Non-Performing Loans, Global Financial Crisis, Banking Knowledge, Shareholders’ Funds, Stakeholders, Cadbury Report, Board of Directors, Good Corporate Governance, First Bank, Liquidity, Bonus, Tsunami
Financial Inclusion, Guarantee Scheme, Equal Probability of Default, Insufficient Collateral, Literacy Levels
Traditional Compensation, SMEs, Wincing, Incentives, PfP, PrP, Adjustments, Pay-for-knowledge, Internal equity, External equity, Labour, Gainful employment.
Management Accounting; Performance Measurement; Final Accounts; Financial Reporting; Management Decision-Making; Pari Passu; Internationalized; Non-Profit Organizations; Management Audit; Business and Society
Multidimensional, Profitability, Capital, Transparency, Board and management, Management, Leadership, Cotton
Social Entrepreneur, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Serendipity, NCF, Yunus, Edu, Social and Environmental El Dorado
Corporate education, Entrepreneurship education, Knowledge-driven, Learning Management, Control
Spillover, Compensation, Segmentation, Work-Family Role Conflict, Absenteeism, Dyad
Privatization programme, Unemployment, Commercialization, Public enterprises, Entrepreneurial arrangements, Commanding heights
Permanent Bureaucracy, New Public Administration, New Public Management, Law Making and Interpretation, the Laboring Class, Dynamics of Public Personnel Management, Public Interest, Career Menopause, Public Works Department
Values, Attitudes, Abilities, Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Non-traditional, Diversity management, Employed women and men, Gender and equity sensitivity, Diversity friendly policies, Positive sense of belonging, Judgmental responses, Skewed appraisal system, Ethics, Moral principles, Ethnicity, Bell curve, Vision 20:20:20, Total quality, Fantasy
Accountability, Culture of integrity, Corruption, Mismanagement, Transparency
Managerial discipline, Self-discipline, Team discipline, Positive discipline, Progressive discipline, Hot stove rule, Motivation, Positive behaviour, Termination
Management Communication, Organizational Communicat ion, Employee Communication, Co-ordination, Continu ity, Modern Performance Philosophy, Management Credibili ty, Top Management
Entrepreneurial Behavior, Managerial Behavior, Adventurism, Strategic Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Dangote, Entrepreneurial Culture
Umuahia-Ikot-Ekpene road, Widespread corruption, External environment, Emergency billionaires, Legislation, Multinational management, Remedial measure, Fuel subsidy.
Macroeconomic management; Microeconomics; John Keynes; Wage employment; Unemployment
Reciprocal dimension; A robust system of checks and balances; promoting good governance; Restoring trust and confidence; Democratic politics; Rule out disintegration, Wahala.
Female Genital Mutilation, Total Abolition, Traditional Practice, Reproductive Consequences, Haemorrage, WHO, August Meeting
Banana democratic arrangements, Traditional stool, Decision-making political leaders, Leadership failure, Governance failure, Common good, Fundamental rights, Corruption, Patronage.
Anger control, Bad political leadership, Boko Haram, Chibok, Emotional Intelligence, Iwe, Marginalization, Paradise, Traditional logic, Youth unemployment
Ethical mind, Audit of ethics, Enron failure, Adelphia scandal, Ethical corporate social responsibility, Management ethics, Moral management, Management audit, Stakeholders, Corporate ethics
Weberian bureaucracy; Taxonomy; Departmentalization; Differentiation; Span of management; Job design.
Economic Policy, Qualification, Mix, Leadership problems, Technically distressed, Sound and unsound management
Behavioural event interview, Intelligence theory, Sustainability, Competencies, Public management, Job candidates
Co-operative leadership, Global governance architecture, Multilateral bodies, More openly political than bureaucratic, Global imbalances
burnout, depersonalization, “ukwumangos” work-family-depression, interwoven, environment, equilibrium, classrooms, equilibrium, dysfunctional conflict
Efficiency, Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Management, Earnings capacity, Liquidity
Win-Win Situation, Win-Lose Situation, Functional Conflict, Dysfunctional Conflict, Problem-Solving, Utopian Industrial Paradise, Unique Phenomenon, Emotional Intelligence
Social and Emotional Learning, Learning Theory, Emotional Perception, Job Satisfaction, Retraining, Technical Infrastructure, e-Learning, Effective Training
Effective board management, Good corporate performance, Emotional intelligence, Transformational leadership, Shareholder value
Traditional Compensation, Executive Compensation, Adjustments, Pay-for-Knowledge, Pay-for-Performance, Equity Theory
Gifted Ceo, Emotional Capacity, Emotional Challenge, Rational View, Political View
World poverty, Poorest of the poor, Basic banking, Rural banking, Despondency, Effective board management, Safety nets, Good governance, Ultraorthodox
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Expectations, Mission, Authoritarian, Participation
Mutuality, Workers’ Obligations, Management’s Rights, Engagement, Promotion, Indemnity, Emotional Intelligence, Industrial Relations, Floor Effect, Industrial Democracy
serious syndromes of corruption, very weak economy and presidential democracy, entrenched weak public sector management, absolute poverty, disempowerment
Serious syndromes of corruption, Very weak economy and presidential democracy, Entrenched weak public sector management, Absolute poverty, Disempowerment
Emotional Intelligence, Personality Stability, Adolescents, Emotions, Psychological
Psychophysiology, Depression, Abnormal behavior, Prefrontal lobes, Emotional brain, Amygdala, Neurology of emotion, Limbic system, Alexithymia
Efficiency in Public Sector Management, Self-assertiveness, Miscarriage of the Decision, Multiple Competencies, Implementation of a Decision, New public Management, Amizi-oloko, Portmanteau Management
Icarus Paradox, Empire Building Mentality, Weak Financial Management, Poor Management, Corporate Failure, Restructuring, Successful Leadership, Successful Intelligence
Market dimensioning, Market penetration, Market target setting, Icarus paradox, Empathy, Marketing management strategy, Negotiation, Emotional intelligence.
Public Policy, Social Pandemic, Interdisciplinary Areas, Moral Soundness, Preventive Strategy, Environmental Situations, Academic Glory, Useful Management Technique
Kantoma, Elected Executive, Committee System, Local Government Joint Account System, Ikwuano Local Government, Prefect System, Zero Percent Poverty, Lugard
Corruption, Good Public Management, Malabu Oil Block, Natural Resource Wealth, Political Will, Public Good, Sustainability, Unemployment
Emotional literacy, emotional intelligence, efficiency, value, managerial inefficiency, bank performance, Nigeria
Emotional Intelligence, Personality, Stability, Adults, Practical Intelligence, Intelligence quotient, Intelligence, Pure Intelligence, Mixed Intelligence
Employment, Constructive Engagement, Social Justice
Channel Management, Market Penetration, Market Selection, Manufacturing Process Reengineering, Competitive Advantage, Market Positioning, Franchising, Intermediaries
Self-modification, Emotional intelligence, Training, Organizational profitability, Innovativeness
Strategic game changer, Transactional and transformational, Excellent management, Organizational culture, Organizational leadership, Arthur Guinness, Integrity, Exceptional leadership.
entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship development, helicopter mentality, flat structures, entrepreneurialism.
Organizational Goals, Performance Improvement Activities, Employees Empowerment, Behaviour Control, Budget, Exception Reports, Global Business Environment, Qualitative Technique
Organizational politics, Win-win, Lose-lose, Organizational people, Hierarchical structure, Social and organizational forces, Positive power strategies, Machiavellianism, Negative power strategies, Change management, Chimpanzee politics.
Insider-borrower, Ownership, Unethical Practices, External Auditors, Debt counselling, Poor Management, Lending Banker, Managerial Myopia
Emotional Intelligence, Bank Profitability, Non-Intellective, Psychometric Model, wuruwuru
Lending arrangements; Regulatory efficiency; Board of directors; Audit committee; Risk management; Liquidity ratio; Erosion of shareholders’ equity nonperforming loans; Assets quality.
Entrepreneurs, Management Techniques, Indigenous, ERP, Efficiency, Wharton, Productivity, Kleptomania, Touting, Ownership, Business Plan ICT
Brazil urban transport project, PPPs, University of Transportation, Bus-passenger transportation, Railways, Roadways, Seaways, Airways.
Psychological Empowerment, Corporate Social Performance, Training and Development, Quality of Work Life, Christmas Gift, Great Environmental Development, Environmental Sustainability
170 years, Teacher-competencies, Methodists, Primary-school-teacher, Freeman, Classroom Work, Mango-tree, Basic-education-management
Top Management, Intrinsic Motivation, Regulatory Policy, Transformational Leadership, Corporate Objectives, Labour-Management Troubles, Policy Development, Top Organizational Leadership
Accountability, Corruption, Governance, Leadership, Mismanagement, Immunity, Impunity, Transparency
Alfred Lewis Jones; Royal niger company; International management; Sustainable profitability; First bank of Nigeria plc
Managerial and Strategic Leadership; Business Success; Global Environment; Formal Decision-Making; Managing across Culture
Work (Family) Conflict Balance, Employee Commitment, Elusive and Unattainable Goal, Psychological Wellbeing, Social and Economic Needs
Corporate governance, Transdisciplinarity, Anti-corruption, Corporatization, Public enterprises, Cost-savings, Greater efficiency, Zero ethical standards, Cultural failures, Structural realignment-orientation, Transformational activities.
Fiscal Discipline, Fiscal Adjustment, Budget Management, Accountability, Poverty Reduction
Entrusted Power, Private Gain, Democratic Governance, Technocratic Governance, Bureaucratic Governance, Symptomatic, Kleptomania, Good Governance, Public Corruption
Food Security, Blue-Collar Workers, Staphylococcus Aureus, Streptococcus Aureus, Campylobacter Jejuni, Mama-Put, Pure Water, Ngwongwo, Pepper-Soup, PHM
Prudential Guidelines, Liquidity Ratio, Economic Downturn, Non Performing Loans, Interim Management Boards, Weak Management, Huge Operational Losses, FRABM
Bad management, Huge nonperforming loans, Imprudent lending, Central Bank of Nigeria
Tacit-knowledge, Emotional intelligence, Rules of thumb, Know-how, Everyday experience, Ugoani, Boy-boy phenomenon, Okpogho, Igbo traders
Financial leadership, First Bank, Information systems literacy, Liquidity management, Management activities
Discipline, Visible Social Contract, Political Will, Good Governance, Corruption
Illiquidity, Distress, Bank failure, John Ugoani
Fixed asset management, Accounting information, Financial strategy, Management decisions, Perpetuities, Financial leadership
Reverend Thomas Birch Freeman, Amizi, Catholic faith, Methodists, Badagry
Emotional Intelligence, Management Education Transformation, non-intellective, intelligence quotient, Goleman, Bar-On, Mayer, Salovey, Correctional services
Good Management, Good Corporate Governance, Sustainable Management, Transparency, Accountability
Inclusiveness, Sharing information, Outcome-orientation, Poverty, Decentralization, Service providers, Social capital, Social networks, Households
Recruitment and selection, Aptitude test, Informal groups, Personality, Stress, Role-related behavior
Work-family-conflicts, Family-work-roles, Balancing-options, Time-based, Strain-based, Behaviour-based, Inter-role-conflict, Bi-directional, Health and Psychological wellbeing, Physical Health symptoms
New public management; Emotional intelligence; Widespread public corruption; Re-engineering the public sector; Large scale administration; Prudence; Sustainable services; Poverty; Corporatization; Administrative irresponsibility
Employment Generation, Registered Businesses, Cottage Industries, Total Working Force, Productive Enterprise
Ethical environment, Ethical culture, Ethical thinking, Ethical attitudes, Ethical imperatives, Enhancing accountability and ethics in the public sector, Corruption, Common good, Conspiracy of fools
Active Management, Sustainable Management, Business Sustainability, Economic Resource Wealth, Reputation, Management of Natural Resources
Kilimanjaro of performance, Ripple effect, Worker empowerment, Feedback, Industrial democracy
Diversity management, Canada, Efficiency, Accountability, Integrity, ASCON, Empathy, Customer loyalty
Mismanagement, Corruption, Plutocrats, Paupers, Middle class, Militancy, Poverty, Governance, Leadership, Doctrine of necessity, Yam and goat mentality.
Synergistic Clusters, Feedback, Emotional Intelligence Competencies, Motivation to Learn, Psychology, Learning Curriculum
The State, Politics ad Development: Essays in Honour of Professor Eme Ekekwe
Ethical thinking, Conspiracy of fools, Rationality, Ethical behaviour, Utilitarian approach, Ethical framework, Moral compass, Solomonian six ethical dimensions, Sustainable goodness
Artificial intelligence, Emotional intelligence, Developing people, Life-long- learning, Computer systems, Self-directed training, Experienced-based-learning
Visible culture, absorptive sustainability, Empowerment, Public management, Good leadership, Life-long learning, Education, Infrastructures, Democracy.
Culture, Society, Visible culture, Kinship, Oloko
Unethical practices, Poverty reduction, Common good, Social injustice, Humane bureaucracy, Legislative ethics, Codes of ethics, Codes of conduct, Office of government ethics, Thiefnocracy
sustainability, economic sustainability, cultural sustainability, Natural resources management, New public management, Anticorruption, Ethics, Good leadership, Political will, Good governance, Rural development, Reform, Human resource management, Entrepreneurship
Emotional health, Emotional intelligence, Goleman, Bar-On, Psychological wellbeing, Self-awareness
Emotional Intelligence, Management, Bank management, Psychology.
Environmental Sustainability, Financial Globalization, Global Interactions, Global Leadership, Global Market Engagements, International Trade, Multilateral Relations
Activity cost management Efficiency Ratio analysis Internal control Internal accountability Profitability Enterprise resource planning Management accounting.
Microfinance, Poor People, Poverty Reduction Management, Grameen, Uncollaterized Loans, Traditional Poverty Traps,Traditional Microfinance Outfits
Roman Catholic Church, Badagary, Poor creatures, Ikwuano
Management scholars, A good biblical account of management, Contemporary management, Management literature, Learning features, Management though
Financial sustainability, Absorptive sustainability, New public management, Anti-corruption.