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European Central Bank (ECB)
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DSGE model, Financial frictions, Financial shocks, Bayesian estimation, Lending channel, Funding channel
DSGE Models, Monetary Policy, Asset price boom-busts
general equilibrium, lower bound, deflation, shocks
Freidman-Schwartz hypothesis, Great Depression, causes of Great Depression, dynamic general equilibrium model
Inflation Targeting, Sticky Prices, Sticky Wages, Stock Price Boom, DSGE Model, New Keynesian Model, News, Interest Rate Rule
electoral rules, proportionality, public spending, transfers
Monetary Policy, Monetary transmission, Credit, Supply factors, Financial crisis, Non-standard policy measures
Monetary policy, monetary aggregates, reference value
Policy activism, DSGE model, policy inertia, shocks
Public Employment, Redistribution of Income, Public Policy and Economic Behavior of Agents
Social protection, vertical and horizontal efficiency, means-testing formula
Public debt, automatic stabilisation, borrowing constraints, consumption
Government expenditures, Economic models
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Electoral rules, proportionality, public spending, transfers