601 E John St
Champaign, IL Champaign 61820
United States
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
in Total Papers Citations
anticipation, medical malpractice, endogeneity, tort reform
Medicare Part D, prescription drug insurance, mortality
transparency, research, policy, datasets, reproducible research
climate, change, policy, insurance, state, droughts, resources
addiction, social interactions
Illinois, sin taxes, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling
dispersion, information rent, variance, contract auctions
insurance, credit markets
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insurance, government, crop, water production, resources, agriculture
Covid-19 pandemic, years of life lost, mortality burden, geographic variation
Chicago, pollution, policy, health, air, government, ozone, stress
index, policy, tax, revenue, smokers, economic, programs, cigarette
tax, gas, effects, tolls, index, policy, fiscal, gasoline, distributional, alternative, driving, programs
disease outbreaks, meningitis, Hajj, vaccination, infectious disease reporting
air, pollution, illinois, aqi, levels