Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R6
University of Alberta - Department of Marketing, Business Economics & Law
in Total Papers Citations
Shopper Journey, Retailing
atmospherics, chairs, shapes, persuasion
Agents, Recommendations, Word of Mouth, Field Experiments, Attributions and inference making
recycling, sustainability, identity, disposal, decision making
reference groups, dissociative out-groups, sustainability, normative influence, public versus private
package size, self-regulation, external controls, overconsumption, appearance self-esteem
social influence, agency-communion theory, self-monitoring, impression management
meta-analysis, warning label, effectiveness, public policy
contamination, touch, disgust, retail, contagion
contamination, contagion, attractiveness, social influence, retail
brand names, affect, linguistics, sound repetition, phonetic/sound symbolism
Neuroscience, Issue 53, Social Perception, Social Knowledge, Social Cognition Network, Non-Verbal Communication, Decision-Making, Event-Related fMRI
interpersonal touch, risk-taking, affect, financial decision making, physical contact
norm violations, punishment, consumer behaviour