1070 Edinboro Drive
Boulder, CO CO 80309
United States
University of Colorado at Boulder, Computer Science Department
in Total Papers Downloads
Internet interconnection, peering
spectrum policy, IXPs, broadband policy, broadband plan, loon, wireless platforms, satellites
Spectrum Management, Spectrum Property Rights, Satellite Broadband, Anticommons, Mega LEO-Constellations, Transaction Cost, Spectrum Coordinations
Wireless, spectrum management, unlicensed band, commercial WiFi
LTE-U, LTE-Unlicensed, LAA, License Assisted Access, FCC, unlicensed, spectrum, wireless, coexistence, interference, management, commons, framework, carriers, Wi-Fi, spectrum sharing, docket, comments, innovation
network economics, cable network capacity, Open Internet
definition of broadband, broadband policy, broadband availability, broadband technology
RIIA, risk assessment, spectrum policy, information based, decision science, risk informed, cost-benefit, spectrum policy, service rules, harm claim, FCC, NRC, NIST
spectrum forensics, spectrum enforcement, LTE, EMI, electromagnetic interference
Spectrum sharing, Risk-Informed Interference Assessment, 6 GHz band