1 Ben-Gurion Blvd
Beer-Sheba 84105, 84105
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
in Total Papers Citations
human capital, industrialization, economic growth, mechanical skills, watermill, millwrights, Industrial Revolution, England, 18th century, textile production, iron-making
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Industrial Revolution, skills, high quality workmen, wrights, mechanization, apprenticeship
technology, watermills, political economy, political fragmentation, medieval growth, institutions, development, investment
British Industrial Revolution, apprenticeship, human capital supply elasticity, flexibility, technological change, Stamp-Tax registers
skill complementarity, skill biased technological change, sbtc, British industrial revolution, technological change, innovations, apprenticeship, skill distribution, England, eighteenth century
apprenticeship, Industrial Revolution, tradesmen’s wages, London, eighteenth century, Robert Campbell
Technology adoption, competition, political fragmentation, monopolistic gains, watermills, milling, Ponthieu, middle ages
premium, wages, setting-up costs, human capital, industrial revolution, apprenticeship, Campbell, Eighteenth century England