Swen Parson Hall
DeKalb, IL 60115
United States
Northern Illinois University - College of Law
climate change, adaptation
state and local government law, state constitutional law, local government law, cities, urban law, home rule, preemption
gentrification, land use, environmental law, land use planning, environmental gentrification, green gentrification
driverless cars, sprawl, planning
environmental federalism, local government, climate change, sustainability, state, preemption, home rule, environmental law
Zoning, Land Use, Historic Preservation, Houston, Planning, Property Rights, Referendum
land use, soil, property, local government, environmental law, commons
home rule, local government, public trust
local government, sustainability, climate change, environmental law, environmental federalism
adaptation, climate change, flood insurance, sustainable growth
Zoning, Land Use, Air Quality, Maine, Preemption, Home Rule, Environmental Law
remediation, CERCLA, green building, sustainable development, institutional controls