Ann Wallin

University of Queensland


St Lucia

Brisbane, Queensland 4072








Scholarly Papers (2)


Motivating Postgrad Research Students to Pitch Their Ideas: What Have We Learned from 'Pitching Research' Competitions at UQ?

Number of pages: 38 Posted: 21 Jan 2017 Last Revised: 21 Feb 2017
Corvinus University Budapest, Independent, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Faculty of Engineering, Physical Science and Architecture, School of Architecture, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, The University of Queensland, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Students, University of Queensland, Students, Australian Catholic University (ACU), University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland Business School, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, Australian National University (ANU), The University of Queensland, University of Queensland, Business School, Students and University of Queensland
Downloads 260 (238,964)
Citation 13



pitching research; new research ideas; pitching competition; template; research proposal; novice researcher; research mentor; Pitch Doctor


Fantasy Pitching II: Star Wars vs. Pokemon vs. R&D vs. Uber

Number of pages: 28 Posted: 22 Aug 2016 Last Revised: 19 Apr 2024
Corvinus University Budapest, University of Queensland, Bond University, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, Australian Catholic University (ACU), University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, James Cook University, Bond University, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students, University of Queensland, Business School, Students and University of Queensland, Business School, Students
Downloads 140 (418,411)
Citation 7



Pitching Research; Fantasy Pitching; PhD Student Exercise; Research Group-work Exercise; Star Wars; Pokémon Go; R&D; Uber