Victoria University of Wellington - Faculty of Law
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Lord Cooke, Hamlyn lectures, Saloman, limited liability, companies, corporate veil, sham doctrine, fraud, oppression, public policy, attribution, identification, vicarious liability
Lord Cooke, administrative law, public law, extra-judicial comments, public versus private, progress in the law, judicial review, Northumberland, Wednesbury, Bromley
Lord Cooke, negligence, local authorities, builders, manufacturers, defective buildings, duty of care, homeowners, economic loss, reasonable care
Lord Cooke, Supreme Court of Canada, Bill of Rights, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, function of Courts, human rights, natural law, Walker, Dicey, Winterton, common law constitutionalism, judicial review of legislation
Lord Cooke, Hadley v Baxendale, remoteness of damages, tort, contract, remoteness, causation
Lord Cooke, Indian Constitution, Second Judges Case, Third Judges Case, judicial appointments, constitutional law
Lord Cooke, equity, common law, New Zealand Court of Appeal, Day v Mead, Aquaculture Corp v New Zealand Green Mussel Co, Blundell & Brown, DFC New Zealand Ltd v Goddard, Goldcorp, Mouat v Clark Boyce, Phillips v Phillips
Lord Cooke, Treaty of Waitangi, Waitangi Tribunal, courts, kawantanga, rangatiratanga, partnership, New Zealand constitution
Lord Cooke, criminal law, common law, golden thread, total absence of fault, regulatory offences
jurisdiction, administrative law; mistrial, collateral challenges to jurisdiction, tribunals of limited jurisdiction; judgments procured by fraud, procedural law
Lord Cooke, consultation, Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association v Union of India, Second judges case, Supreme Court of India, Indian Constitution, Wellington International Airport Ltd v Air New Zealand, New Zealand Court of Appeal, Saipai'ia Olamalu, Western Samoa Court of Appeal
Lord Cooke, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Kingdom Human Rights Act, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, human rights, Samoa, Fiji, Hong Kong, Basic Law, Bill of Rights Ordinance, international common law, Western law, Eastern law
Lord Cooke, unicameralism, bicameralism, Legislative Council, United Kingdom, House of Lords, House of Representatives, second chamber
Lord Cooke, fairness, administrative law, Treaty of Waitangi, employment law, constructive trusts, uncertainty
Lord Cooke, International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution, party autonomy, arbitration, international arbitration, substantive law, lex mercatoria
Lord Cooke, a common law of the world, judging, judicial role, judges, Hong Kong, comparative law.
Lord Cooke, Treaty of Waitangi, Māori, Waitangi Tribunal
Lord Cooke, sovereignty, Parliamentary sovereignty, legislation, constitutional law, governmental power, Westminster, constitutions
Lord Cooke, Jackson, House of Lords, Parliament Act 1911, Parliament Act 1949, Hunting Act 2004, statutory interpretation, political fact, parliamentary sovereignty, striking down legislation, common law constitutionalism.
Lord Cooke, House of Lords, Law Lords, Lords of Appeal, separation of powers, Royal Commission on the Reform of the House of Lords, Lord Wilberforce, European Convention on Human Rights, article 6(1), Lord Chancellor
Lord Cooke, The Laws of New Zealand, legal encyclopedias
New Zealand, abolition of the monarchy, republic, head of state, Commonwealth, constitutional law, legal revolutions
Lord Cooke, duty of care, negligence, liability in negligence, tort, contract, damages, cause of action, reasonable care
Lord Cooke, restitution, unjust enrichment, Lipkin Gorman, Jack Beatson, Peter Birks, quantum meruit, law and equity, tracing, Space Investments
Lord Cooke, Bill of Rights, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, 1985 White Paper, Dr Jerome B Elkind, Antony Shaw, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Treaty of Waitangi
Lord Cooke, tort law, negligence, liability, judicial discretion
Lord Cooke, common law, public law, administrative law Canadian administrative law, Australian administrative law, jurisdictional fact, Michael Beloff, constitutional law, European Convention on Human Rights
Lord Cooke, right to a hearing, audi alteram partem, hear the other side, Lord Chief Justice Goddard, New Zealand Court of Appeal
Lord Cooke, accountability, empowerment, executive, legislature, judiciary, judicial appointment, executive accountability, legislative accountability
Lord Cooke, common law, parliamentary sovereignty, human rights, negligence, public authorities, parliamentary materials, Hansard
Lord Cooke, international common law, Sir Anthony Mason, common law, common laws, Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Commonwealth, freedom of expression, lex mercatoria, international arbitration, appellate courts, economic loss, negligence, human rights treaties
Lord Cooke, Salomon, Hamlyn Lecture, corporate identity, Viscount Haldane, corporate defamation, corporate crime, reflective loss
Lord Cooke, Professor Brian Coote, contract law, the doctrine of privity, exclusion clauses, contractual interpretation, bargaining, fiduciary obligations, good faith, unconscionability, reasonable expectations
Lord Cooke, constitutionalism, human rights, Commonwealth public law, United Kingdom public law, election of judges, appointment of judges
Lord Cooke, administrative law, discretion, natural justice, legitimate expectations, relief, remedies
Court of Criminal Appeal, venire de novo, trial, procedural irregularities, mistrial
Lord Cooke, Lord Diplock, jurisdiction, error of law, constitutional law, judicial review, Anisminic
Lord Cooke, Privy Council, New Zealand Court of Appeal, criminal law, family law, property law, contract law, employment law, administrative law
Lord Cooke, Justice Edmund Thomas, nominee directors, vicarious liability, commercial reality
Lord Cooke, tort law, common law, negligence, economic loss, Hedley Byrne
Lord Cooke, parliamentary sovereignty, Indian Constitution, power, institutions, public law, constitutional law, basic structure, constitutional amendments
FM Brookfield, Waitangi, indigenous rights, constitutional revolutions, de facto courts, Māori rights, Māori representation, constitution-making, New Zealand constitutional history
Lord Cooke, New Zealand Law Society, New Zealand legal profession
Lord Cooke, European Convention on Human Rights, Human Rights Act 1998, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, interpretative obligation, statutory construction, declaration of incompatibility, remedies clause, common law
Lord Cooke, administrative law, public law, commonwealth administrative law, Sultan Azlan Shah, South African administrative law, Malaysian administrative law
Robin Cooke, Spring v Guardian Assurance plc, employer–employee relationship, qualified privilege, trust and confidence, employment, defamation, public policy
Lord Cooke, Sir John Salmond, torts, common law, judicial intervention, pure economic loss, nuisance, contributory negligence, and vicarious liability
Lord Cooke, New Zealand judiciary, Andrew McGechan, Brightwell v ACC, Garrow and McGechan on Procedure, Robert Orr McGechan, swearing-in
Lord Cooke, professional negligence, judicial immunity, Furniss v Fitchett, Day v Mead, Mouat v Clark Boyce, medical negligence, professional discipline
Lord Cooke, Commonwealth jurisdictions, common law, comparative law, divergence
Lord Cooke, public law, Mark Tushnet, George Williams, sovereignty, judicial supremacy, Philip Joseph, Supreme Court Act 2003
Lord Cooke, bill of rights, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, New Zealand common law
Lord Cooke, human rights, freedom of expression, anti-discrimination, positive discrimination, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, Bill of Rights Act 1689, TV3 Network Ltd v Eveready New Zealand Ltd, Television New Zealand Ltd v Prebble, Spycatcher, the Sealord case, Human Rights Act 1993
Lord Cooke, remedies, Finnigan, freedom of information, Day v Mead, Gillies v Keogh, Re Chase, common law
Lord Cooke, New Zealand constitution, constitutional law, entrenchment of human rights, Privy Council, New Zealand Supreme Court, foreign judges
Lord Cooke, common law, criminal law, torts, equity, New Zealand Court of Appeal, common laws
Lord Cooke, Gerard La Forest, University of New Brunswick, personal liability, Kuehne & Nagel, Edgeworth Construction, Lord Steyn, Williams v Natural Life Health Foods, fiduciary obligations, Aboriginal rights, R v Sparrow, Delgamuukw, contractual relational economic loss, Norsk, Bow Valley Husky
Lord Cooke, Philip Joseph, Constitutional and Administrative Law in New Zealand, Mixed Member Proportional, constitutional review
Lord Cooke, company law, commercial law, Companies Bill, Companies Act 1993, directors, duty of care, JBL, Nicholson v Permakraft, Scott v McFarlane, Trevor Ivory
Lord Cooke, common law, contracts, neighbourhood principle, defamation, common laws, international common law, race relations, Springbok tours, asset sales.
Lord Cooke, New Zealand Bar Association, independent Bar, Queen’s Counsel, Justice, resigned Judges, court television
Lord Cooke, Lord Diplock, administrative law, public law, House of Lords, Privy Council, English Court of Appeal, Judicature Amendment Act 1977, Fitzgerald v Muldoon, New Zealand Court of Appeal, duty to give reasons, duty to act fairly, general statutory language, damages in administrative law, jur
Lord Cooke, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Bill of Rights, Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, New Zealand Bill of Rights, judges, human rights, remedies clause, paramount effect, reasonable limitation
Lord Cooke, environmental law, environmental harm, public nuisance, appeal, administrative bodies, judicial review, private property, private prosecution
Lord Cooke, Justice Ellis, Anthony Ellis, swearing-in, judges, Wellington High Court, judicial appointment, New Zealand judiciary
Lord Cooke, common law rights, legal professional privilege, West-Walker, New Zealand Court of Appeal, Stanton J, Chester v Bateson, rights, interpretation
Lord Cooke, judicial review, Samoa, Fiji, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, public law, administrative law, Fayed, fairness, Golden Metwand, duty to give reasons, right to reasons
Public and Administrative Law Reform Committee, specialist jurisdiction, Lord Cooke, Supreme Court of New Zealand (High Court), administrative law, law reform
tax law, Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart v Administrator of Hungarian Property, Crown immunity, Crown servants, prejudice, royal prerogative, tax
Lord Cooke, Crimes Bill, Crimes Act 1981, computer crimes
Lord Cooke, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, European Convention on Human Rights, human rights, interpretative obligation, remedies clause
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, bill of rights, rights and freedoms, Lord Cooke
Lord Cooke, Lord Goff, common law, English common law, Commonwealth, comparative law
Robin Cooke, administrative law, public law, New Zealand, substantive law, procedural law, Animisnic, Padfield, Administrative Division of the Supreme Court, Judicature Amendment Act 1972, statutory tribunals
Lord Cooke, ALTA, fairness, grey area cases, sentencing, child abuse and incest, substance of obligations, breach of confidence, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, High Court of Australia, Walter Tarnopolsky, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Lord Cooke, intellectual property, cross-frontier protection, Australia, New Zealand, goodwill, patents, trademarks, trans-Tasman harmonisation
Lord Cooke, professional negligence, professional discipline, Preiss, Bottrill, barristerial immunity, Arthur J S Hall, Lai v Chamberlains, David Ipp
Lord Cooke, legal periodicals, New Zealand Students’ Law Journal, The Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, women lawyers
Lord Cooke, Antony Shaw, Andrew Butler, New Zealand Bill of Rights Reports, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, bill of rights, human rights, Ministry of Home Affairs v Fisher, Lord Wilberforce
Lord Cooke, separation of powers, parliamentary sovereignty, judicial supremacy, collaboration, public law, government, Philip Joseph
Lord Cooke, judges, Court of Appeal, Mr Justice McKay, direct appointments to appellate courts
Lord Cooke, Sir David Williams, The Law and Public Protest, House of Lords, Beatty v Gillbanks, International Trader’s Ferry, DPP v Jones, Redmond-Bate v DPP, public protest, freedom of expression
Lord Cooke, Judge Stewart Hancock, New York Court of Appeals, James Farmer QC, Supreme Court of the United States, State Courts
Lord Cooke, Arbitrators’ Institute of New Zealand Inc, arbitration, Uncitral Model Law, New Hope Collieries, Barker Bros, alternative dispute resolution
Lord Cooke, Commerce Clearing House, New Zealand legal system, source of law, electronic legal databases
Lord Cooke, Laws of New Zealand, Halsbury’s Laws of England, Halsbury’s Laws of Australia, legal encylopedias, Editor-in-Chief
Lord Cooke, Bosner v Musicians’ Union, union, doctrine of agency, breach of contract
Lord Cooke, torts, New Zealand Court of Appeal
Final appellate courts, House of Lords, Privy Council, New Zealand Court of Appeal, Pacific courts, Supreme Court of the United States, Commonwealth courts, judicial diversity, judiciary
Lord Cooke, Owen Woodhouse, New Zealand Court of Appeal, Privy Council, trial versus appellate work
Lord Cooke, Thorndon, Wellington, peerage, Thorndon Society, autobiography
Lord Cooke, Dr James Williams, Victoria University of Wellington, Statute of Frauds, Salmond and Williams on Contracts
Lord Cooke, Māori, Crown, Waitangi Tribunal, Hui Manawhenua, Treaty of Waitangi, indigenous law, Canadian indigenous law, race relations, good faith, partnership
Lord Cooke, Sian Elias, Lowell Goddard, Inner Bar, Queen’s Counsel, women in the law
Lord Cooke, Seventh International Appellate Judges’ Conference, indigenous peoples, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, Kamloops, law and equity
Lord Cooke, monopoly control, United Kingdom, Monopolies Commission, Restrictive Practices Court