Box 55665
Grevgatan 34, 2nd floor
Stockholm, SE-102 15
Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
in Total Papers Citations
consumer choice, revealed preference, maximin rationalization, nonconvex preferences, reference-dependent utility, law of demand
Afriat's theorem; Collective household model; GARP; Mixed integer linear programing; Revealed preference; Varian inequalities; Weak separability
entrepreneurship, R&D, entry deterrence
Rpaxioms, Checkax, Aei, Powerps, Afriat Effciency Index, GARP, Revealed Preference, Power, Predictive Success
Superstar; Skill formation; Expertise; Relative age effect; Football; Elite education
Monetary aggregation, Weak separability, Revealed preference
Graphical Analysis, Homotheticity, Money Metric Utility, Recoverability, Revealed Preference
skill formation, temporary disadvantage, elite education, soccer, underdog
Berkson measurement errors; Classical measurement errors; GARP; Revealed preference
Demand theory; efficiency; nonparametric analysis; revealed preference; utility maximisation
Superlative index numbers; Aggregation; Preference orderings; Weak separability
Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference, Afriat Inequalities, Elasticities of Demand
GARP; Power; Revealed preference
Demand Theory, Efficiency, Experimental Economics, Homotheticity, Non-parametric Analysis, Revealed Preference, Utility Maximisation
Demand theory; efficiency; experimental economics; homotheticity; non-parametric analysis; revealed preference; utility maximisation
Income elasticity, Non-parametric, Revealed preference, SSARP
Homogeneity, Returns to scale, Rho-concavity