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High-Skill Immigration, H-1B Visas, India, Computer Scientists, IT Sector
High-skill immigration, H-1B visas, India, computer scientists, IT sector
Affirmative Action, Education, India, Reservations, Quotas, OBCs
Roads, highways, transportation networks, spatial development, economic geography, India, Golden Quadrilateral, convergence, regional spillovers
public works program, National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, NREGA, NREGS, India, regression discontinuity design, terrorism, Naxalites, Maoists, conflict, insurgency, civil war
International Students, Trade Liberalization, China, Migration
High-skill immigration, H-1Bs, Information Technology
higher education, educational attainment, private schools, public infrastructure
elections, voter behavior, money supply, demonetization
H-1B Visa, Product Reallocation, Schumpeterian Growth
Entrepreneurship, Growth, Political Connected Firms, Cultural Economics
Labor Markets, Labor Policies, Banks & Banking Reform, Markets and Market Access, Labor Management and Relations
middle-income countries, labor markets, recession
Production networks, supply chains, firm dynamics, climate change
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This is a CEPR Discussion Paper. CEPR charges a fee of $8.00 for this paper.
conflict, forced migration, integration effort, return migration
COVID-19, Depression, gender, India, mental health, nutrition
cultural proximity, production networks, firm-to-firm trade, India
Public pensions, retirement, female labor supply
domestic trade, culture, contracting frictions