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Sunnyvale, CA 94086
United States
in Total Papers Downloads
in Total Papers Citations
social networks, attention economy, twitter
social media, China, networks
digital commons, social attention, productivity, crowdsourcing
Privacy, behavioral economics
information aggregation, forecasts, information markets
attention economy, advertising, comparative advantage
status, experimental economics, crosscultural studies
economics of attention, group deals
privacy, markets for data
attention economics, information technology
game theory, cooperative and competitive games, coordination problems
information and internet services, limited attention, diversity, knowledge society
private data, big data, ecommerce
attention, social media, persistence
opinion formation, information cascades, group polarizationi
Computational markets, auctions
economics of attention, novelty, collective attention
Internet monetization, online advertising, pricing, reference points, adaptation, laboratory experiment
reputations, branding, unstable fixed points, endogenous dynamics
management fads, herding, technology adoption
social media, attention, trends
Contract design, truth-telling
social media, predictability
combinatorial auctions, demand curves
social influence, recommender systems, social media
information markets, public information, experimental economics, mechanism design
Moral hazards, forecasting, identity escrows
Large Language Models, Hallucinations, Emergence
social media, online conversations
social influence, recommender systems
Decision insurance
truth telling mechanism, contingent contracts, quality of service, trust and reputations
Information cascades, social media
attention economies, peer production
Attention Economies
analytics, security, multiparty
attention, collective intelligence, design
comparative advantage, communication networks
markets, parimutuel, long tail
AI, Large Language Models, Ideation
Social Media, Attention, Predicting the Future
Economics of attention, search engine, dual-speed restless bandit problem
bitcoin, crypto currencies