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economic preferences, cultural variation
cognitive uncertainty, beliefs, bounded rationality
bounded rationality, mental models, complexity, beliefs
Kinship, culture, cooperation, enforcement devices
cognitive biases, incentives
beliefs, correlation neglect, experiments, markets, overshooting
correlation neglect, beliefs, overshooting, experiments, markets
Beliefs, expectations, memory, bounded rationality
beliefs, expectations, memory, bounded rationality
universalism, morality, culture
measurement error, subjective expectations, stock market participation
Measurement Error, Subjective Expectations, Stock Market Participation
stock market participation, subjective expectations, measurement error
Bounded Rationality; Complexity; Mental Frames; Attention
moral universalism, in-group bias
complexity, hyperbolic discounting, present bias, bounded rationality, noise, cognitive uncertainty
moral universalism, political economy, culture
culture of honor, conflict, punishment, revenge
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conflict, Culture of honor, punishment, revenge
cognitive uncertainty, intertemporal choice, complexity
hyperbolic discounting, present bias, bounded rationality, cognitive uncertainty
complexity, choice under risk, cognitive uncertainty, experiments
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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origins of preferences, social preferences, time preferences, risk preferences
behavioural game theory, large scale experiment, machine learning, behavioral economics, complexity