Jaewan Cheong

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

[30147] Building C, Sejong National Research Compl

Seoul, 370

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)



Rank 44,427


Top 44,427

in Total Papers Downloads






Scholarly Papers (31)


중국의 신흥시장 진출과 한국의 대응방안: 동남아, 중남미, 아프리카를 중심으로 (China's Advance into Emerging Markets and Korea's Response -A Focus on ASEAN, Latin America and Africa)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-13-19
Number of pages: 320 Posted: 18 Jun 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 169 (340,449)



International Development Finance Institutions, development finance institutions (DFIs), African market, Construction, Infrastructure


Korea's Development Cooperation with the Mekong Region

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economy Update-13-40
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 11 Oct 2013 Last Revised: 16 Oct 2013
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 161 (356,672)



Development Cooperation, Multilateral cooperation, Mekong subregional development, Economic cooperation, Mekong Region Countries


Strategies for Cooperation with China in Emerging Countries: Focusing on the BRI

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief 19-05
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 20 Jun 2019 Last Revised: 04 Jun 2024
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Export-Import Bank of Korea
Downloads 139 (399,815)



Emerging Countries, China, BRI


Trade Patterns and Determinants of International Specialization Structure between ASEAN and China

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economic Update-14-31
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 23 Sep 2014
Jaewan Cheong and Ho-Kyung Bang
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 114 (465,278)



Trade Patterns, Production network, China, Intra-industry trade, ASEAN, Economic cooperation


코로나19 이후 글로벌 가치사슬의 구조 변화와 정책 대응 (Structural Changes in the Global Value Chain and Policy Responses after COVID-19)

KIEP Research Paper, 연구보고서 21-07
Number of pages: 525 Posted: 30 Aug 2022
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Montclair State University, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 105 (494,021)





인도태평양 전략과 신남방정책의 협력 방향 (Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea's Perspective)

KIEP Research Paper, 연구보고서 20-13
Number of pages: 395 Posted: 31 Aug 2021
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, ASAN Institute for Policy Studies and Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security
Downloads 98 (518,024)




아프리카 도시화 특성분석과 인프라 협력방안 (An Analysis of Urbanization in Africa and Its Implication for Korea's Cooperation in Infrastructure Development)

KIEP Research Paper, Policy Analyses 16-22
Number of pages: 226 Posted: 07 Apr 2017
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 95 (528,777)
Citation 1




중ㆍASEAN 분업구조 및 결정요인 분석 (Trade Patterns and Determinants of Vertical and Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade between ASEAN and China)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy References 13-17
Number of pages: 118 Posted: 29 May 2014
Jaewan Cheong and Ho-Kyung Bang
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 95 (528,777)



Trade Patterns, Production network, China, Intra-industry trade, ASEAN, China, Economic cooperation, ASEAN


Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea's Perspective

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief 21-19
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 13 Jul 2021 Last Revised: 20 Jul 2021
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, ASAN Institute for Policy Studies and Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security
Downloads 94 (532,358)
Citation 1




동남아 주요국 노동시장의 환경 변화와 우리나라의 대응전략 (Study on Recent Change in Labor Market Environment in Southeast Asia and Kora's Strategies)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis 14-18
Number of pages: 229 Posted: 22 Jun 2015
Sungil Kwak, Chankwon Bae, Jaewan Cheong and Jae-Ho Lee
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 92 (539,722)



Study on Recent Change in Environmentin and Korea's Strategies, Labor Market, Foreign Directinvestment-Southeast Asian Countries, Labor market environment, Southeast Asia


An Analysis of Urbanization in Africa and Its Implications for Korea: Future Demands for Urban Infrastructure

KIEP Research Paper. World Economy Brief 17-11
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 22 May 2017
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 91 (543,463)
Citation 1



Africa, Urbanization, Infrastructure


한국의 메콩 지역개발 중장기 협력 방안 - 농업, 인프라 및 인적자원개발을 중심으로 (Korea's Development Cooperation with the Mekong Region Countries)

KIEP Research Paper NO. Policy Analysis-12-20
Number of pages: 260 Posted: 16 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 16 Oct 2013
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 86 (562,694)



Development Cooperation, Multilateral cooperation, Mekong subregional development, Economic cooperation, Mekong Region Countries


International Responses to Myanmar's Transformation

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economy Update-14-05
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 27 Aug 2014
Yoon Ah Oh, Jaewan Cheong and Na Ri Park
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 81 (582,981)



Economic reform, Development cooperation, Economic development, Myanmar


아세안 경제통합과 역내 무역투자 구조의 변화 분석 및 시사점 (ASEAN Integration: Changing Patterns of Trade and Direct Investment within Southeast Asia and Its Implications)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-15-17
Number of pages: 272 Posted: 11 May 2016
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Kyung-Hee University, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 76 (604,575)



Economic Integration, AEC, ASEAN, Industrial Policy, Trade, ASEAN Countries


China's Advance into Emerging Markets - A Focus on ASEAN, Latin America and Africa

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economic Update 14-15
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 29 Aug 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 73 (618,126)



International Development Finance Institutions, development finance institutions (DFIs), African market, Construction, Infrastructure, China, Africa, Latin America


한ㆍ아세안 기업간 지역생산네트워크 구축전략 (Study on Strategies for Building Regional Production Networks in the ASEAN Region)

KIEP Research Paper, Policy Analyses 16-11
Number of pages: 267 Posted: 07 Apr 2017
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 64 (662,006)




ASEAN 지역의 인프라 시장 확대와 한국기업의 진출방안 (The Growth of the ASEAN Construction Infrastructure Market and Its Implication for Korean Construction Companies)

KIEP Research Paper. Policy Analysis 18-05
Number of pages: 242 Posted: 29 Jul 2019
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 63 (667,085)



ASEAN Construction, Korean Company


신남방지역의 가치사슬 분석과 교역 확대 및 고도화 방안 (Global Value Chain Analysis in the New Southern Region, Korea's Trade Expansion and Upgrading Strategy)

KIEP No. 연구보고서 19-14
Number of pages: 383 Posted: 07 Oct 2020
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 62 (672,380)




Localization Strategies in Response to Recent Changes in the Southeast Asian Labor Market Environment

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economy Update 15-24
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 28 Apr 2016 Last Revised: 29 Apr 2016
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 62 (672,380)



labor market, Southeast Asia Localization strategy


아세안의 중장기 통상전략과 한-아세안 협력방안 (ASEAN’s Medium- to Long-term Trade Strategies and Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Plans)

KIEP Research Paper, 중장기통상전략연구(LT) 22-05
Number of pages: 222 Posted: 12 Jun 2023
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 61 (677,674)



Supply Chain, Digital Trade, Climate Change, Health and Development Cooperation


Strategies to Strengthen Industrial Cooperation with Major Emerging Countries in Southeast Asia

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economic Update-14-10
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 27 Aug 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 56 (704,968)



Industrial Cooperation, Industrial policy, Development cooperation, Southeast Asia


신흥국 정부조달시장 개방실태 분석과 중소기업에 대한 시사점 (Analysis of Government Procurement Market in Emerging Countries and Implications for Small and Medium Enterprises)

KIEP No. 전략지역심층연구 19-03
Number of pages: 304 Posted: 08 Oct 2020
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 42 (795,054)




ASEAN 서비스산업 규제 현황과 시사점 (An Analysis of Service Trade Regulations in ASEAN and Its Implications)

KIEP Research Paper. Policy Analysis 18-23
Number of pages: 207 Posted: 29 Jul 2019
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 35 (848,723)



Service Trade Regulation, ASEAN


Mekong Subregion-RoK Cooperation to Build Stable Supply Chains in Southeast Asia

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief(WEB) 23-29
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 30 Aug 2023
Sungil Kwak, Jaewan Cheong, Mingeum Shin and Jegook Kim
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 33 (874,037)



Mekong, Supply Chains


ASEAN’s Medium- to Long-term Trade Strategies and the Direction of RoK-ASEAN Cooperation

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief(WEB) 23-09
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 18 Apr 2023
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Dankook University, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 31 (882,698)



ASEAN trade strategies, RoK-ASEAN cooperation


포스트 코로나 시대의 아세안 공동체 변화와 신남방정책의 과제 (The ASEAN Community in the Post COVID-19 Era: Challenges and Policy Implications)

KIEP Research Paper, 연구보고서 21-04
Number of pages: 251 Posted: 10 Aug 2022
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and University of Malaya (UM)
Downloads 29 (909,770)





한국 중소기업의 동남아 주요국 투자실태에 대한 평가와 정책 시사점(Evaluation of Korean SMEs’ Management Status in Southeast Asia and Policy Implications)

KIEP Research Paper. Policy Analyses 17-04
Number of pages: 307 Posted: 21 Nov 2017
Sungil Kwak, Jaewan Cheong, Jegook Kim and Minlee Shin
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 29 (900,528)



Korean Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, SMEs, Southeast Asia


아세안 역내 서비스시장 통합의 경제적 영향과 시사점(Asean Economic Integration on Services: An Analysis of Economic Impacts and Implications)

KIEP Research Paper, 연구보고서 20-29
Number of pages: 204 Posted: 31 Aug 2021
Meeryung La, Jaewan Cheong, Mingeum Shin and Jegook Kim
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 27 (919,064)




한국-동남아 가치사슬 안정화를 위한 메콩지역 협력 방안 연구 (A Study on the Cooperation between Mekong Subregion and RoK to Build Stable Supply Chains in Southeast Asia)

KIEP Research Paper, 연구보고서(PA) 22-22
Number of pages: 272 Posted: 27 Jun 2023
Sungil Kwak, Jaewan Cheong, Mingeum Shin and Jegook Kim
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 26 (928,398)



Mekong subregion, Global Value Chain, Supply Chain Diversification


동남아 주요 신흥국가와의 산업협력 강화전략 (Strategies to Strengthen Industrial Cooperation with Major Emerging Countries in Southeast Asia)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-13-22
Posted: 15 May 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy




베트남 및 인도네시아 진출 한국기업의 경영실태와 생산성 분석 (Firm Level Productivity and Survey Results for Korean Firms in Vietnam and Indonesia)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-11-22
Posted: 26 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 02 Oct 2017
Taeyoon Kim, Jaeho Lee and Jaewan Cheong
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Independent and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy



productivity, investment, Korean firms, Vietnam, Indonesia