Su Yeob Na

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

[30147] Building C, Sejong National Research Compl

Seoul, 370

Korea, Republic of (South Korea)



Rank 40,455


Top 40,455

in Total Papers Downloads






Scholarly Papers (26)


중국의 보조금 현황과 주요국의 대응 사례 연구 (China's Subsidies and Major Trading Partners’ Countermeasures)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-11-20
Number of pages: 239 Posted: 23 Oct 2013
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Peking University - Department of Finance
Downloads 214 (274,183)




China's Urbanization: Consumption, Construction and Risks

KIEP Research Paper NO. World Economy Update, 13-07
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 07 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 24 Oct 2013
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 199 (294,551)



China, Urbanization, Consumption, Construction, Risk


중국의 일대일로 전략 평가와 한국의 대응방안 (China's Belt and Road Initiative and Implications for the Korean Economy)

KIEP No. Policy Analyses 17-03
Number of pages: 342 Posted: 03 Nov 2017 Last Revised: 06 Nov 2017
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Independent
Downloads 191 (304,358)



One Belt and One Road, Silk Road, China, B&R Strategy


미ㆍ중 간 기술패권 경쟁과 시사점 (U.S.-China Technological Rivalry and Its Implications for Korea)

KIEP No. 연구보고서 20-04
Number of pages: 230 Posted: 13 Oct 2020
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 160 (355,579)




Strategies for Cooperation with China in Emerging Countries: Focusing on the BRI

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief 19-05
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 20 Jun 2019 Last Revised: 04 Jun 2024
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Export-Import Bank of Korea
Downloads 139 (398,533)



Emerging Countries, China, BRI


R&D of Chinese Firms: Characteristics and Implications

KIEP Research Paper NO. World Economy Update-13-42
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 04 Oct 2013 Last Revised: 12 Sep 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Independent and Kookmin University
Downloads 133 (414,990)



Research and Development, Science technology, Innovation policy, R&D activities, Patents-China, R&D cooperation, Chinese firms, China


China's FDI in Europe and Europe's Policy Response

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief 21-23
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 13 Jul 2021 Last Revised: 04 Jun 2024
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Downloads 129 (422,433)




중국의 소비 주도형 성장 전략 평가 (Study on China's Consumption Based Growth Strategy)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-15-10
Number of pages: 211 Posted: 11 May 2016
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Incheon National University, Sejong University, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 126 (430,065)



Consumption-led Growth Strategy China, Economic Growth China, Income Imbalance, Population Structure, Korea, China


중국기업 연구개발 투자의 특징과 시사점 (R&D of Chinese Firms: Characteristics and Implications)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis12-17
Number of pages: 235 Posted: 18 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 17 Oct 2013
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Kookmin University
Downloads 124 (435,361)



research and development, science technology, innovation policy, R&D activities, patents, China, R&D cooperation, Chinese firms


중국 국유기업의 개혁에 대한 평가 및 시사점 (A Study on State-Owned Enterprises Reform in China)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis 14-14
Number of pages: 199 Posted: 22 Jun 2015
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 123 (438,101)
Citation 1



State-owned enterprises,Chinese economic reform,Corporate governance,Industrial restructuring, China


중국 도시화의 시장 창출 효과와 리스크 분석 (China's Urbanization; Consumption, Construction and Risks)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-12-16
Number of pages: 237 Posted: 25 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 17 Oct 2013
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Independent, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 113 (466,910)



urbanization, economic risk, consumption, consumer market, China


중국의 녹색성장 전략과 한·중 무역에 대한 시사점 (China's Green Growth Strategy and Implications for Trade between Korea and China)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-13-18
Number of pages: 220 Posted: 15 May 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 97 (519,860)



Sustainable development, Green Growth Strategy, Environmental industry, Environmental regulation, Korea, Trade, China


중국의 중장기 경제개혁 과제와 전망 (China's Long-Term Economic Reform: Perspectives and Implications)

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-13-17
Number of pages: 517 Posted: 24 May 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Kongju National University, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Konkuk University, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 93 (534,335)



Chinese economy, Financial reforms, Fiscal reforms, Tax reforms, State-owned Enterprises, China


China's Green Growth Strategy and Implications for Trade between Korea and China

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economic Update-14-32
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 04 Dec 2014
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 78 (594,051)



Green Growth Policy, Trade Policy, Sustainable development, Green Growth Strategy, Environmental industry, Environmental regulation, China -- Green trade -- Korea


China's Long-Term Economic Reform: Perspectives and Implications

KIEP Research Paper No. World Economic Update-14-12
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 27 Aug 2014
Pyeong Seob Yang and Su Yeob Na
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 77 (598,291)



Economic reforms, Chinese economy, Financial reforms, Fiscal reforms, Tax reforms, State-owned Enterprises reforms, International Economic Policies, China


뉴노멀 시대 중소기업의 대외경쟁력 제고를 위한 정책과제 연구: 한국과 대만을 중심으로 (Policy Challenges for Supporting the Internationalization of SMEs in the New Normal Era: Focusing on Taiwan's Case )

KIEP Research Paper No. Policy Analysis-16-01
Number of pages: 196 Posted: 28 Sep 2016
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Independent and Hanyang University
Downloads 65 (655,173)



Economic Development, Company Management, Korea, Taiwan


중국의 금융개방 환경 변화와 대응방향 (Changing Environment for Opening of Chinese Financial Sector and Response Measures)

KIEP Research Paper, 연구보고서 20-09
Number of pages: 271 Posted: 31 Aug 2021
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Dongduk Women's University
Downloads 62 (670,769)




An Overview of the China's Two Meetings in 2013 and the Views of the Chinese Economic Policy

KIEP Reference Paper NO. World Economy Update-13-28
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 06 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 27 Nov 2013
Ik Joon Moon, Su Yeob Na and Minkyung Lim
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 46 (765,465)



China, Two Meetings, the aims and objectives of the new economic policy under the new Xi Jinping administration


Chinaʹs New Trade Strategy amid US-China Confrontation and Implications

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief 22-13
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 26 Apr 2022
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Independent
Downloads 45 (772,303)



China; US-China conflict; trade strategy


신흥국 정부조달시장 개방실태 분석과 중소기업에 대한 시사점 (Analysis of Government Procurement Market in Emerging Countries and Implications for Small and Medium Enterprises)

KIEP No. 전략지역심층연구 19-03
Number of pages: 304 Posted: 08 Oct 2020
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 42 (793,482)




중국의 대유럽 투자와 유럽의 정책 대응(China's FDI in Europe and Europe's Policy Response)

KIEP Research Paper, 전략지역심층연구 20-01
Number of pages: 198 Posted: 24 Aug 2021
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Downloads 39 (815,430)




중국의 중장기 통상전략과 한중 협력 방안 (China’s Medium- to Long-term Trade Strategy and Korea-China Cooperation Plans)

KIEP Research Paper, 중장기통상전략연구(LT) 22-02
Number of pages: 227 Posted: 24 May 2023
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 38 (823,131)
Citation 1



U.S.-China Competition, Korea-China Trade Issue


미ㆍ중 갈등시대 중국의 통상전략 변화와 시사점 (China’s New Trade Strategy Amid U.S-China Confrontation)

KIEP Research Paper, 연구보고서 21-27
Number of pages: 339 Posted: 30 Aug 2022
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Independent
Downloads 31 (880,907)



China's Trade Strategy, US-China Conflict


Changing Environment for Opening of Chinese Financial Sector and Implications

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief 21-25
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 23 Jul 2021
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Dongduk Women's University
Downloads 26 (926,570)




China's Trade Strategies and Korea-China Cooperation Plans

KIEP Research Paper, World Economy Brief (WEB) 24-02
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 06 Mar 2024
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 22 (976,696)




유럽 주요국의 경제안보 분야 대중국 전략과 시사점 (European Approaches to China in the Area of Economic Security)

KIEP Policy Analyses(PA) 23-27
Number of pages: 187 Posted: 17 Jun 2024
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Downloads 10 (1,096,268)

