Belfast, Northern Ireland BT370QB
Ulster University - Transitional Justice Institute
in Total Papers Downloads
intimate personal violence, rape, war, policing domestic violence
Violence against women, conflict, post conflict, societies
Women, Gender, Peace processes, Peace Agreements, Northern Ireland
Women, Gender, Peace Processes, Peace Agreements, Northern Ireland
domestic violence; ethnic minorities; immigrants; Northern Ireland
black and minority ethnic, CEDAW, domestic violence, NICEM
domestic violence, war, transitional justice, security, rape, feminist theory, vulnerability, criminal law, law of war
sexual violence, CEDAW
Domestic violence, immigration, social security, ethnic minorities, forced dependency, Violencia doméstica, inmigración, seguridad social, minorías étnicas, dependencia forzosa
Gender-based violence, Conflict, Post conflict, Intimate partner violence, Security sector reform, Northern Ireland
Brexit, Human Rights Act, British Bill of Rights, Northern Ireland Bill of Rights
Syria, gender, mediation, negotiation
UNSCR 1325, conflict, peacebuilding, gender, EU PEACE III
feminist methodology, gendered security, human security, security dialogue
Bill of Rights, Northern Ireland, poliitcal leadership