Wellington Road
Clayton, Victoria 3
Monash University - Department of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
Rainfall Shocks, Labour Supply, Insurance, Education, India
Gender, Governance, Leaders, Affirmative action, Artefactual field experiment, India
Gender, Leaders, Governance, Deception, Affirmative action, Lab-in-the-field experiment, India
Infrastructure, Railways, Long Run Prosperity, Colonial India
Lab-in-the-field experiments, Gender, RCTs, Leadership
agricultural finance, agent based lending, group lending, distributive impacts
Private school enrolment, Gender gap, Household fixed effects model; Fixed effects estimates with selection correction; India
politicians, gender, honesty, die-tossing game, experiments
anemia, coal units, PM2.5, air pollution, children, women, India
agricultural finance, agent based lending, group lending, selection, repayment
Targeting, Intermediation, Decentralization, Community Driven Development, Agricultural Credit, Networks
This is a CEPR Discussion Paper. CEPR charges a fee of $8.00 for this paper.
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Agricultural Credit, Community Driven Development, Decentralization, intermediation, networks, targeting
Bangladesh, discrimination effect, gender, wage gap, unconditional quantile regression
selection into politics, politician quality, corruption, experiments, behavioural games
Discrimination, Inter-group Contact, Gender, Minority-Majority, Experiments, Developing Countries
Experimental Development Economics; Behavioral Development Economics
JEL Classification Codes: D72, D73, O12 Political Competition, Relevant Third, Collusion, Development, Vote Shares
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Agent-based Lending, Agricultural Finance, Group Lending, Repayment, selection