Esteban Vesperoni

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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Washington, DC 20431

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University of Maryland, College Park

College Park, MD 20742

United States





Rank 27,493


Top 27,493

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (6)

Globalization and Firms' Financing Choices: Evidence from Emerging Economies

Number of pages: 37 Posted: 12 Jun 2000
Sergio L. Schmukler and Esteban Vesperoni
World Bank - Development Research Group (DECRG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 1,152 (37,722)



Globalization and Firms' Financing Choices: Evidence from Emerging Economies

IMF Working Paper No. 01/95
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 01 Feb 2006
Sergio L. Schmukler and Esteban Vesperoni
World Bank - Development Research Group (DECRG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 198 (309,739)



financing choices, financial structure, financial integration, financial globalization, international financial markets

Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Flexibility, and Credit Booms

IMF Working Paper No. NO.12/41
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 28 Feb 2012
International Monetary Fund (IMF), National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)World BankCentre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)International Monetary Fund (IMF)University of Maryland - School of Public AffairsHarvard University, Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (BCSIA)Harvard University - Center for Business and GovernmentPeterson Institute for International Economics and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 148 (400,927)



Exchange Rate Flexibility, Domestic Credit, Foreign Currency Loans, Capital Inflows, Financial Regulation, Bank Credit, Capital Flows, Credit Expansion, Exchange Rate Regimes, Flexible Exchange Rates

Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Flexibility, and Credit Booms

NBER Working Paper No. w17670
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 17 Dec 2011 Last Revised: 14 Apr 2023
International Monetary Fund (IMF), National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)World BankCentre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)International Monetary Fund (IMF)University of Maryland - School of Public AffairsHarvard University, Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (BCSIA)Harvard University - Center for Business and GovernmentPeterson Institute for International Economics and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 53 (776,612)
Citation 8




Exchange Rate Flexibility and Credit During Capital Inflow Reversals: Purgatory…Not Paradise

IMF Working Paper No. 14/61
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 15 May 2014
Nicolás E. Magud and Esteban Vesperoni
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 92 (569,056)



Flexible exchange rates, Bank credit, Capital inflows, Capital flows, Economic models, reversals, macro-prudential, exchange rate regimes, exchange rate flexibility, flexible exchange rate regimes, fixed exchange rate, fixed exchange rate regimes, real exchange rate, real effective exchange rate, exchange rate arrangements, rigid exchange rate regimes, exchange rate classification, de facto exchange rate regimes, capital movements, capital flows reversals, inflexible exchange rate regimes, history of exchange rate, exchange rate appreciations, exchange rate management, short-term capital


Dollarization and Maturity Structure of Public Securities: The Experience of Bolivia

IMF Working Paper No. 08/157
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 01 Jul 2008
Esteban Vesperoni and Walter Orellana
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Banco Central de Bolivia
Downloads 55 (747,039)



Bolivia, debt profiles, maturity structure, currency composition


Big Players Out of Synch: Spillovers Implications of US and Euro Area Shocks

IMF Working Paper No. 15/215
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 27 Nov 2015
Carolina Osorio-Buitron and Esteban Vesperoni
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 49 (785,934)



Economic News, Emerging Economies, economies, monetary conditions, money, advanced economies, Forecasting and Other Model Applications, Forecasting and Simulation, Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects), Studies of Particular Policy Episodes, International Policy Coordination and Transmission, Forecasting and Simulation,


Cross-Border Transmission of Fiscal Shocks: The Role of Monetary Conditions

IMF Working Paper No. 18/103
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 01 Aug 2018
Patrick Blagrave, Giang Ho, Ksenia Koloskova and Esteban Vesperoni
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 39 (860,644)



Fiscal policy, Monetary policy, Spillovers, External shocks, Fiscal policy; monetary policy; effective lower bound; international spillovers, effective lower bound, international spillovers, Models with Panel Data, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects), General