S-103 37 Stockholm
Sveriges Riksbank - Research Division
in Total Papers Citations
Large Language Models, Machine Learning, Central Bank Communication, Financial Stability
stablecoins, money, payment preferences, financial stability, global games
communication, monetary policy, international policy transmission
monetary normalization, monetary policy signaling, consumer loans, credit risk
Bank capital, recapitalization, macroprudential regulation, incomplete markets, financial market segmentation, constrained inefficiency
bank capital, recapitalization, macroprudential regulation, incomplete markets, financial market segmentation, constrained inefficiency
Financial development, Consumer loans, Bank misconduct, FinTech
contagion, coordination failure, global games, information acquisition
bank run, contagion, financial crises, fundamental re-assessment., global games, information choice, wake-up call
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bank run, contagion, financial crises, fundamental re-assessment, global games, Information Choice, wake-up call
Exchange Rates, Natural Language Processing (NLP), International Spillovers, Monetary Policy
Leverage, endogenous borrowing constraints, financial crisis, liquidity, asymmetric information, central bank policy
lender of last resort, liquidity assistance, central banking, financial stability