C.so Ercole I° d'Este 37
Ferrara, 44100
University of Ferrara - Faculty of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
Federal Budget, Pork-Barrell, President, Congress, Political Parties, Committees, American Elections
1974 Budget Act, President, Deficit, Public Spending, Governor, Congress, Debt, Synthetic Control
Federal budget, double-ballot, coalition, list, taxes, expenditure
Local public spending interaction, spillovers, yardstick competition, spatial econometrics, dynamic panel data, system GMM
1974 Budget Act, President, Deficit, Public Spending, Governor, Congress, Debt, Grants, Partisanship
Political budget cycle, transfers, federal budget, property tax, fiscal reform, local elections
Local public goods spillovers, spatial interactions, size of local jurisdictions
Fiscal-capacity equalization-grants, inter-regional redistribution, tax competition, equity-efficiency tradeoff, special interest groups, lobbying