Adenauerallee 24-42
D-53113 Bonn
P.O. Box 7240
Bonn, D-53072
University of Bonn - Economic Science Area
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in Total Papers Citations
Agency theory, strategic delegation, takeovers
campaigning, electoral competition, signal jamming, vertical product differentiation
Bonuses, Career Concerns, Hierarchy Levels, Internal Careers, Tenure
bonus payments, chemical sector, hierarchy, tenure, wage policy
bonuses, external recruitment, job promotion, limited liability, tournaments
fine, incentives, incomplete contracts, non-compete agreements, option contract
effort effect, likelihood effect, risk taking, tournament
bonuses, emotions, incentives, piece rates, tournaments
Endogenous Ordering of Moves, Heterogeneous Agents, Rank-order Tournaments
cheating, contest, doping, fraud in research, tournament
contests, foundation of organizations, internal rent seeking
Preemptive behavior, rank-order tournaments, sequential tournaments
Self-managed working time, worker autonomy, employee effort, reciprocity, intrinsic motivation, complementarity
contests, delegation, strategic incentives
commitment, delegation, limited liability, moral hazard, renegotiation
Emotions, Incentives, Piece Rates, Worker Compensation
economic situation, firm size, influence activities, politicking, rent-seeking
Employment Security, Foundation of a Works Council, Rent Seeking
decentralization, contracts, centralization, authority, moral hazard
auction, collective tournament, plant closing, governmental intervention