Camden, NJ 08102-1203
United States
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Rutgers University School of Law, Camden
University of Surrey - School of Law
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Hart, Dworkin, Legal Positivism, positivism
Neuroscience, fMRI, Mind, Brain, Mereological Fallacy, Lie Detection, Deception, Voluntariness, Intent, Knowledge, Economic Decision-Making, Moral Decision-Making, Jurisprudence, Legal Decision-Making
jurisprudence, legal theory, moral philosophy, methodology
rule following, interpretation, knowledge, ethics, morals, mens rea, insanity, lie detection, deception
jurisprudence, legal philosophy, wittgenstein, law
legal theory, jurisprudence, interpretation, legal argument
mind, brain, neuroscience, fMRI, EEG, conceptual, empirical, normativity, knowledge, intent, memory, jurisprudence, moral decision making, economic decision making, emotion, rationality, lie detection, actus reus, mens rea, insanity, Fourth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, self-incrimination, free will
Legal theory, jurisprudence, meaning, Dworkin
neuroscience, criminal punishment, retributivism, consequentionalism, moral responsibility, free will, determinism, compatibilism, folk psychology
cognitivism, mind, philosophy, jurisprudence, legal philosophy, thought
jurisprudence, legal philosophy, legal theory, philosophy, sociology
Legal Theory; Legal Philosophy; Jurisprudence; Medthodology; EU Law
criminal punishment, retributivism, neuroscience, deontology, free will, folk psychology
jurisprudence, Wittgenstein, law, legal theory
Wittgenstein, jurisprudence, legal theory,consitutional law, general jurisprudence
transnational law, global governance, postnational constellation, expertise, de-localisation of knowledge, performativity of expertise
philosophy,neuroscience, philosophy of mind,wittgenstein
legal philosophy; jurisprudence; philosophy of law
Mind, Brain, Neuroscience, Mental States, Action, Decision-Making, Neurolaw, Psychology, Philosophy
neuroscience, fMRI, lie detection, expert evidence, legal proof, criminal law, actus reus, mens rea, knowledge
folk psychology, mental states, reasons, human action, explanation, causation
trade, WTO, political theory, international relations, politics
jurisprudence, legal theory, quine, wittgenstein, law
Neuroscience, Mind, Brain, Conceptual, Empirical, Rule-Following, Subpersonal Facts, Lie Detection, Deception
constitutionalism, pluralism, law and politics, capitalism and democracy, Alexander Somek
Global Trade
legal theory, jurisprudence, Gerald Postema
Jurisprudence; Legal Philosophy; Grounding; Metaphysics; Propositions of Law; Grounds of Law
legal culture, market-state, EU law, legal theory
Legal Culture, Market-State, Statecraft, EU law, interpretation, legal theory
Law, Neuroscience, Jurisprudence, morality, economics
law and neuroscience; legal theory; neuroscience
Jurisprudence; Theoretical Disagreement; Interpretation; Legal Philosophy; Legal theory; Legal Positivism
jurisprudence, legal theory, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy
neurolaw, mind, brain, conceptual, empirical, knowledge
Paul Schiff Berman, legal pluralism, legal orders, legal theory, jurisprudence, international law
law, state, market state, markets, private law
transnational law, legal theory, jurisprudence, international law
coronavirus; conspiracy theories; elite
jurisprudence, legal theory
European integration, national sovereignty, statecraft, jurisprudence
jurisprudence, duress, voluntariness, consent, choice
statecraft, war, strategy, law, military, history