Calle María de Molina, 11
Madrid, 28006
United Kingdom
IE Business School
Blockchain, Platforms, Networks, Hold-Up, Coordination, Relational Capital, Incomplete Contracts, Decentralized Governance
diabolic loop, sovereign debt crisis, government default, bank default, bailout, ESBies
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bailout, bank default, diabolic loop, ESBies, government default, sovereign debt crisis
Franchising, Contracts, Self-enforcement, Incentives, Complementarities, Automobiles
Incentives, Bias, Tournaments, Social Interactions, Sports
Franchising, incomplete contracts, self-enforcement, automobile, cars
firm size, productivity, labor regulation, power law
industry structure, services, make or buy
Specialization, Organization, Asymmetric Information,Professional Services, Partnerships, Theory of the Firm
Hedonics, hierarchy, matching, scale of operations effects, sorting, Structural Estimation
communication technology, delegation, information technology, organization, theory of the firm
Energy, Environment, United States. European Union
Organizational economics, intelligence reform, war on terrorism
bubbles, Euro crisis, Financial crisis, political economy
Coding, organization theory, communication cost
firm size, labor regulation, power law, productivity
Industry structure, theory of the firm, specialization, law firms, legal services, economics or organization
Information technology, organization, hierarchy, skills, police
Incentives, sabotage, multitasking, tournaments
Organization, specialization, hierarchy, industry structure, division of labor
organizational economics
activity data, cognitive cost, organization, organizational language, team theory
communication, coordination, incentives, incomplete contracts, merger implementation, organizational design, scope of the firm, task allocation
general human capital, knowledge, relational contracts, skills
general human capital, international joint ventures, relational contracts
Inequality, Knowledge markets, Organization