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Notre Dame Law School
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Great Depression, New Deal, legal history, constitutional history
Hughes Court, switch-in-time, Constitutional Revolution, West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, Minimum Wage Cases, Labor Board Cases, Wagner Act Cases, NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin, Social Security Cases, Helvering v. Davis, Steward Machine Co. v. Davis, Court-packing
Civil War, World War 11, commerce clause, constitutional law, constitutional history, due process, jurisprudence
Lochner Era, Lochner v. New York, switch-in-time, substantive due process, Nebbia v. New York, West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, liberty of contract, A-to-B laws, price regulation, rate regulation, minimum wage, Lochner revisionism
John Knox, Justice McReynolds, clerkship, New Deal, Hughes Court
Constitutional Structure, Substantive Due Process, Federalism, Carolene Products, Hammer v. Dagenhart, Fair Labor Standards Act, United States v. Darby, Child Labor
Four Horsemen, Willis Van Devanter, James Clark McReynolds, George Sutherland, Pierce Butler, New Deal, Hughes Court
Legal History, Criminal Law, Lindbergh Law, Kidnapping, St. Louis History
Supreme Court clerks, Four Horsemen, Van Devanter, McReynolds, Sutherland, Butler, legal history, constitutional history
Admiralty, Commerce Clause, Legal History, Constitutional Law, Southern Pacific v. Jensen, Cooperative Federalism, Constitutional Structure
Lochner, constitutional history, substantive due process
Hughes Court, Great Depression, New Deal, Constitutional Law, Judicial Review
Federalism, U.S. Constitution, Supreme Court
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Court-Packing Plan, Supreme Court, Homer Cummings, Joseph Robinson, Charles Evan Hughes, Owen J. Roberts, Willis Van Devanter, George Sutherland
Classical legal thought, Duncan Kennedy, constitutional history, legal consciousness, structuralism
Taft Court, docket books, unanimity norms, vote fluidity, freshman effect
child labor reform, Child Labor Tax Case, Bailey v. Drexel Furniture, Affordable Care Act, NFIB v. Sebelius, regulatory taxation, legal history, constitutional law, taxing power
New Deal, Hughes Court, Roberts Court, Congress, Franklin Roosevelt, Barack Obama, Affordable Care Act
New Deal, Hughes Court, Court-packing plan, Jeff Shesol
New Deal, Injunctions, Judicial Appointments, Three-Judge Panel, Judicial Procedure, Federal Jurisdiction, Federal Courts
Constitutional Law, Legal History, Constitutional History, Hughes Court, Supreme Court, Commerce Clause, Due Process, Spending Power, Charles Evans Hughes, Owen Roberts
New Deal, Hughes Court, Owen Roberts, Charles Evans Hughes, Frances Perkins
free labor, substantive due process, equal protection, dormant commerce clause, convict labor, New York, legal history, constitutional history, William E. Nelson, Lochner
Supreme Court, Court Curbing, Constitutional Amendment, Advisory Opinions, Appellate Jurisdiction, Judicial Voting Rules, Judicial Term Limits, Judicial Pensions, Judicial Compulsory Retirement, Federal Courts, Federal Jurisdiction
Hughes Court, Supreme Court Historical Society, Great Depression, New Deal, legal history, constitutional history
SEC, Roosevelt, New Deal
Public Opinion, New Deal, Hughes Court, George Gallup, Elmo Roper, labor, federal regulatory power, redistribution, fiscal policy, relief, social security
wills, trusts, estates, estate tax, gift tax, generation-skipping transfer tax, income tax, teaching
Justice Louis D. Brandeis, substantive due process
wills, trusts, estates, succession, inheritance, polygamy, Utah, Mormons, legal history, ecclesiastical courts
Owen Roberts, New Deal, Hughes Court, constitutional revolution, substantive due process, economic regulation, Lochner, Nebbia
Hughes Court, docket books, vote fluidity, unanimity norms, freshman effect
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Court-Packing Plan, Supreme Court, Hatton Sumners, Henry Fountain Ashurst, William Borah, Burton Wheeler, Homer Cummings, Joseph Robinson, Charles Evan Hughes
Hughes Court, docket books, unanimity norms, vote fluidity, freshman effect
Hughes Court, vote fluidity, unanimity norms, docket books
Revocation, Physical Act, Wills, Trusts, Life Insurance, Nonprobate Transfers, Will Substitutes
U.S. Constitutional Law: Interpretation and Judicial Review,;U.S. Constitutional Law: Rights and Liberties; U.S. Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers and Federalism Labor Law; Law & Society: Public Law - Constitutional Law, Legal History