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White Plains, NY 10603
United States
Pace University School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
sexting, autopornography, obscenity, child pornography, Ferber, judicial review, strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, free speech
free will, criminal law, punishment, determinism, compatibilism, voluntary act, retribution, retributivism, evolution, Libet, Phi effect, human suffering, neuroscience, brain, behavior
revenge porn, privacy, free expression, free speech, First Amendment, information privacy, identity, private life, reputation, defamation, cyberbullying, sexting
criminal law, punishment, free will, determinism, compatibilism, virtue ethics, voluntary act, retribution, retributivism, evolution, natural selection, Darwinism, just deserts, Libet, Phi effect, human suffering, neuroscience, brain, behavior, character, disposition, free agency
rights, relationships, right relationships, crime, criminal law, jurisprudence, ethic of care, care, norms, punishment, justice, restorative justice, retribution, rule-based systems
corporations, directors, derivative actions, corporate crime, regulatory compliance, good faith, externalization of costs, fiduciary duties, duty of loyalty, duty of care, business judgment rule, oversight, shareholder derivative suits
landlord, tenant, leases, leasing, assignment, subletting, subleasing, rent, habitability, warranty of habitability, mitigation, damages, remedies, eviction, constructive eviction
First Amendment, free expression, minors, obscenity, violent videogames, rational basis, strict scrutiny, Ginsberg v. New York, Schwartzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association
property, real property, estates, estate system, future interests, ownership, land, common law, tenancies, possession, reversions, fee simple, land titles
property, property law, private property, takings, public use, public use clause, private use, just compensation, constitution, law reform, due process, substantive due process, economic due process
neuroscience, action, men rea, mental states, mental causation, crime, free will, neuroskepticism, responsibility, punishment, just deserts, retribution, epiphenomenalism, mind-body problem
criminal omissions, homicide, physicians, euthanasia, bioethics, health, health insurance, managed care, health maintenance organizations, HMO, HMOs, medical treatment, medical economics, health economics
absolutes, moral absolutism, consequentialism, humane principle, moral rules, consequences, rights, rules, security, ticking bombs, torture, Waldron, Anscombe, Finnis, Hare, Kant
privacy, free expression, free speech, First Amendment, identity, private life, reputation
blame, Humane Principle, evolution of morals, evolutionary psychology, evolving appetites for violence, legitimacy of violence, retribution, upward moral trajectory, just deserts
neuroscience, action, men rea, mental states, mental causation, crime, free will, neuroskepticism, responsibility, punishment, just deserts, retribution
legal ethics, professional responsibility, honesty, confidentiality, frivolous, Model Rules of Professional Conduct, legal profession
First Amendment, Privacy, Freedom of Expression, Right to Observe, Right to Record, Right of Privacy, Property and Privacy
mass incarceration, criminal justice reform, social trends, ex-offenders, felons, ex-felons, criminal law, conviction rates, corrections, discrimination, collateral consequences
Professional Responsibility, Legal Ethics, Honesty Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Lawyers' Reputation, Client Fraud, Client Crime, Undeserved Advantages
criminal justice, equality, moral responsibility, mental causation, mens rea, punishment, neuroscience, mind-body problem, action theory, determinism
landlords, tenants, forfeiture, nuisance, housing, leases, termination of leases, eviction, freedom of contract, property rights
property, art law, legal realism, statutes of limitation
federalism, federal budget, deficit, criminal law, criminal justice, prosecution, criminal justice policy, size of government, cost of government, liberty
land use law, takings clause, land development, preservation, conservation, environmental protection, zoning