Wilhelm-Epstein-Str. 14
Frankfurt/Main, 60431
Deutsche Bundesbank
in Total Papers Citations
Cross-border Flows, Capital Flows, Collateral, City Business Cycles, Credit, Germany, GIPS Spread, Real Estate, Tangible Assets
BIS Cross-border flows, Capital Flows, Collateral, City Business Cycles, Credit, Germany, Misallocation, GIPS Spread, Real Estate, Tangible Assets
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business cycles, Capital Flows, cities, real estate
non-bank financial intermediation, bank capital requirements, EBA capital exercise
Exchange Rates, Bank Lending, Interbank Markets, Real Effects, Regional Busi-ness Cycles, Germany
Exchange Rates, Bank Lending, Interbank Markets, Real Effects, Regional Business Cycles, Germany
financial stability, interbank market, aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks, relationship banking, risk perception, market discipline
Monetary Policy, LTRO, Bank Lending, Credit Risk-Taking, Real Effects, TFP Growth
Peer monitoring, interbank markets, asymmetric information, portfolio quality, portfolio similarity, systemic risk and contagion
Dynamics of probabilities of default, systematic and idiosyncratic factors, mean diversion and reversion, overshooting, oscillations
bank lending, Exchange Rates, Germany, Interbank Markets, Real effects, Regional business cycles