Mohrenstraße 58
Berlin, 10117
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
in Total Papers Citations
Parental leave, worker absences, worker substitutability
ALLBUS, COMPASS, COVID-19, childcare, difference-in-difference, gender role attitudes
well-being, Covid-19, corona virus, day care closures, school closures, COMPASS, SOEP
well-being, COVID-19, Corona Virus, day care closures, school closures, COMPASS, SOEP
Parental leave benefit, child development, skill formation, parental investments, school readiness, motor skills, language skills, socio-emotional stability, socio-economic differences
G12, G8, graduation age, grade repetition, grade retention, graduation rates, learning intensity, diff-in-diff, human capital, instructional time
Instruction time, student achievement, PISA, G8-high school reform, quantile regressions, curriculum, difference-in-differences
parental education, returns to education, smoking, overweight, compulsory schooling, health behaviour
COVID-19, gender role attitudes, maternal employment, daycare and school closures, Childcare, difference-in-differences
parental leave benefit, child development, school readiness, motor skills, language skills, socio-emotional stability
labour supply, child care costs, difference-in-differences, event study
Parental education, returns to education, smoking, overweight, compulsory schooling
health inequality, returns to education, mortality, parental background, human capital, survival analysis
Covid-19, gender role attitudes, childcare, difference-in-difference, ALLBUS, COMPASS