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Klein Moynihan Turco LLP
in Total Papers Downloads
fake news, social media, Facebook, First Amendment, defamation, libel, IIED, intellectual property, trademark, copyright, right of publicity, Federal Trade Commission, FTC, UDTP, cyberbullying, anti-SLAPP, Pizzagate, 20th Century Fox, Donald J. Trump, Hillary Clinton
intellectual property, IP, trademark, Lanham Act, search advertising, AdWords, marketing, Federal Trade Commission, FTC, 1800 Contacts, Lens.com, Antitrust, Competition Law
intellectual property, IP, sweepstakes, promotional contests, marketing, copyright, trademark, patent, right of publicity, trade secrets, user-generated content, UGC, DMCA, Lanham Act, USPTO, Subway, Quiznos, Fifty Shades of Grey, Facebook
fantasy sports, regulation, UIGEA, Wire Act, New York, Nevada, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Florida, Illinois, California, Georgia
fantasy sports, regulation, UIGEA, Wire Act